Under the Mistletoe

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It was a cold Monday morning as you were woken up by someone moving next to you. Reaching out beside you, you let out a groan when you didn't feel the familiar warmth next to you.

"I have to get up for work, Love." You heard Harrison chuckle from somewhere across the room.

"Fuck your work." You mumbled as you felt yourself drift back off into a deep slumber just seconds before Harrison placed a soft kiss on your forehead before leaving for the bathroom to get ready for his day.

This was your usual morning routine, Harrison getting up before you to leave for work - that is if he was home - while you were able to sleep in since your classes didn't start until later in the day.

You had been living with the two boys now for about one and a half years and it's been the best time of your life but also the loneliest. Tom was always gone and only home every now and then and Harrison was working hard to make his way up to the top, often leaving early in the morning and getting home late.

Of course you were incredibly proud of your two best friends, but you were also looking forward to the holidays. Tom would come home from Brazil later that day, Harrison would be done with his project in a week from now on and you didn't have any lectures until next year.

The thing with spending time with Harrison was that you didn't only like him as your best friend. You liked him so much more and you could only hope that maybe one day he would too. With him being super busy and your lectures ending at some time in the evening, you didn't get to spent a lot of time with him which made you appreciate your nights even more.

The two of you had developed that habit of watching a movie before going to bed and it somehow turned into you just staying the night in his bed - and also his arms - so you would at least be able to spend the night time together.

There had been nights where either of you refused to fall asleep before 1am, simply because it would mean that you didn't have enough time to talk about your day or talk about what was bothering you.

Harrison was great. You knew the minute you first saw him that there was no way that you wouldn't fall for him somewhere down the line. The way his eyes crinkled whenever he smiled at you and the way he looked at you had you crush on him the minute he introduced himself as Tom's mate.

It was only three years ago that you met and it already felt like a lifetime ago. Back then, Harrison was in a relationship and so were you, and yet, you still couldn't stop thinking about the blonde, making you the reason your last relationship failed after only three weeks of knowing Harrison.

It was two years ago that Harrison broke up with his girlfriend without telling you the reason why he did it. He had told you that it didn't work out anymore but something inside of you was telling you that this was only half of the story.

It was only a year ago that you realized that you were madly in love with Harrison. That you couldn't stop thinking about being more than just his friend, more than just his roommate and more than just the girl who was also Tom's friend. You felt yourself craving his touches whenever you were standing next to him while talking to your other friends, you craved his hugs whenever life seemed to go to shit and you craved the feeling of his lips on top of yours whenever you looked at them for a second too long.

The worst part was that you knew how his lips felt on top of your own. You knew how right it had felt when you kissed at Tom's birthday a few months ago after too many drinks. You had shared a few kisses at the party before turning it into a full make out session once you had gotten home. That had been the first night you spent in the boy's bed, not knowing that come tomorrow, you would never speak of it again.

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