Loving You

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Falling for Harrison was walking through a grocery store and wondering what he was doing because you had just spotted his favourite cereal.

Falling for Harrison was seeing a funny meme on Instagram and wondering if he would've laughed at it as much as you did.

Falling for Harrison was hearing just one word that reminded you of him and wondering if he missed you as much as you missed him.

Falling in love with Harrison was easy. It was everything you had ever dreamt of and at the same time the most challenging thing you had to accept. You fell for the blonde boy with the angel eyes. You fell slowly and over quite some time, but it didn't change the fact that you were sitting on your bed right now, wondering if there had ever been something more between you.

You had never planned such thing as to fall for your best friend, but Harrison made it hard for you to not see more in him. He was sweet and always there for you. He took care of you whenever you were sick or whenever some stupid boy had broken your heart once again, always running his fingers up and down your back while placing soft kisses on top of your hair, promising that he'd never hurt you, that he'd always be the one to catch you before the fall.

Accepting Harrison's dream was walking through a grocery story without picking up the cereal because he wouldn't be home for at least another month.

Accepting Harrison's dream was seeing a funny meme and not sending it to him because he'd probably be too busy to respond to your text.

Accepting Harrison's dream was hearing just one word that reminded you of him before your mind went back to the days when it was just him and you, on a blanket in your favourite spot in the park.

Accepting Harrison's dream was hard. You supported him no matter what and no matter what he was doing, but seeing him live his dream and slowly but surely make his way to the top meant the he wasn't always there to dry your tears. He was still your best friend, but sadly he was your best friend in a different country.

Right now, he was out of the country, filming a secret project that he wasn't even allowed to talk to you about. He had been gone for the past month and you hadn't been able to talk to him for the past two days which was unusual. Of course you knew he was busy and you knew he had some of his friends there with him, but not hearing anything from him in the past 48 hours sucked.

Missing Harrison was sitting at home, eating breakfast alone while staring at his bedroom door, wishing he would walk out to greet you with a kiss on your forehead.

Missing Harrison was looking at your phone, waiting for it to light up with a message from Harrison who was sending you something funny he had found on Instagram.

Missing Harrison was wishing to hear his voice or feel him wrap his arms around you as you were nobody but yourselves, at home, on the couch in your shared apartment.

Missing Harrison was frustrating. You knew you couldn't change anything about your situation and you knew that you didn't want to, because Harrison was living his dream and you wanted nothing more than to see him happy. He had worked hard for this and you felt ridiculous for wishing that he would be here with you right now. You had your own life and your own friends but everything seemed to be better when the blue eyed boy was around. Everything seemed so much easier.

The two of you met in primary school and you had been inseparable ever since. You were there for each other highs and especially the downs. He had helped you clean off the dirt in your wounds when you fell on the ground while trying to skateboard and you had been there to hold his hand while you waited for the ambulance to arrive after he had broken his foot.

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