Go Karting

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You were woken up by the sound of someone shouting "Sunday, Funday!" outside your bedroom door. It wasn't much of a mystery to you who was shouting and disturbing your precious sleep because with Tom being back for a week and you and Harry being off work for the next two days, your whole Squad was finally back together and ready to fuck shit up.

Moving in with Harrison had been one of your better decision in life because he would probably win an award for the best roommate that there is - or maybe not, but considering the little crush you had on him and the benefits of getting to spend a lot of time with him, definitely put him up on list of the greatest roommates on earth.

It had never been realistic for you that you would someday be able to call Spider-Man one of your mates, but you had been working on the Far From Home Set and got to spent some time with Harry and it turned out that you got along pretty well, which kind of was also the start of your friendship with his best mates and, obviously star of the movie and brother, Tom.

Harrison hadn't been on the set that often since he was travelling quite often because of his own career, but he still remembers the first time he had seen you. You were too busy working to notice him staring at you for probably five seconds too long.

Harrison was intrigued by you. Not because of anything you had done, but because of the little spark he had felt when Harry first introduced him to you. The boy was never one to "feel something" that easily and that quick, but something about you was different - something about you made him come back to set a lot more than he was supposed to.

Tom had noticed your mutual attraction to each other and he had way too much fun in playing matchmaker for his friends, so he made the two of you his new mission. The brunette thought it would be easy since the attraction and the little crushes were already there, but boy, was he wrong. Either of you were too scared to make your move and neither of you showed the other one signals that you wanted to be more than just friends.

Tom had his plan and much to his annoyance, it seemed to be doomed to fail because neither Harrison nor you had the balls to make their move, so the boy knew he needed a masterplan - and probably more than his one-man-team, so he brought in no other than the whole Squad, consisting of his brothers Harry and Sam, and one of his best mates, Tuwaine.

Two months after filming, the lease for your apartment ran out which made it a lot easier for Tom to play Cupid. Offering you a room in his house was his ultimate move to get you and Harrison together, because first of all, he'd be there to play Cupid 24/7 and maybe Harrison would finally grow a pair during a cozy Thursday Evening or maybe a sleepy Monday Morning.

Jokes were on Tom, because it turned out that you still hadn't gotten together four months later. Your crush on Harrison was only getting bigger and bigger and Harrison's crush on you had probably already reached its high point, but how awkward would it be for him to ask his roommate out? There would be no way to get back to where you were if you said no and one of you would have to move out, which was the last thing the blonde wanted.

"Sunday Funday, (Y/N)!" Another shout echoed through the house as you groaned and pulled your pillow over your head.

It was late when you went to bed last night, because Harry had insisted on finishing the game of Monopoly before any of you were allowed to go to bed. You came to a point were Harrison just dramatically threw his money at you and got up to go to bed, but not before telling Harry to go fuck himself after he had called him lame for being tired - at 3am.

"(Y/N)!" The person behind all that shouting was now knocking on your bedroom door in the hope of finally getting you to get up.

"Piss off, Harrison." You groaned, already knowing that he'd be dragging you out of bed within the next thirty seconds.

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