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The concept of having soulmates sounded nice - no amazing - to you. You loved the idea that there was one person for you out there. One person that was right for you and one person you would spend the rest of your life with.

But seeing that the universe was a bitch, there came a little twist with it. You didn't know who your soulmate was until you actually fell for them and heard them admit that they loved you as well. Everyone was born with the Initial of their First Name on their wrists, but seeing that yours was an H didn't help you a lot in finding the one.

Of course, it narrowed it down, but after dating a Harry and a Hunter, you were tired of looking around for the right one. What happened happened, so you started to live your life without the constant need of finding your soulmate.

Staring at your tattoo after taking your morningly shower before work, you put on your bracelet to hide the little letter that was so discreetly placed on your wrist. You didn't want anyone wondering who your potential soulmate could be or if you had already found yours. Once you've found the one, the tattoo would fade and their whole name would start to appear where the letter had been placed before.

What was the point in all of this? No idea, because it certainly didn't save you any heartbreaks with Harry or Hunter after you had told them you actually loved them - or that's probably what you thought you did just because their names matched the letter on your wrist. The letter may narrow it down, but it also made talking to boys a lot harder since you basically could just stop talking after finding out their name didn't start with an H.

The buzzing of your phone brought you back to reality.

Yo Sweets, Tom got called in to set early, so I'm already on set. Am I still picking you up in an hour or are you able to get here yourself? - H xx

Yeah, see how that message what signed with the letter H? Harrison for sure wasn't the one, he was your best friend, someone you had been through thick and thin with, someone you could always rely on and someone you already loved to death without being in a relationship with them.

Harrison and you had told each other you loved each other plenty of times, so he obviously wasn't your soulmate. His name didn't appear on your wrist and neither did yours on his, which made you forget about the little crush you had on him a few months back.

You still hadn't seen Harrison's letter. Whenever you asked him about it, he told you that he didn't want someone to only talk to him because they thought their letters matched. He didn't want his life controlled by that stupid letter on his wrist, so he constantly wore a watch to cover it up.

Of course there were a lot of times where you had wished to see if there was a possibility of his letter being your Initial Letter, but you figured that after five years of friendship both of your names should be gracing each others wrists already - but they weren't, so you knew he wasn't the one.

Harrison stood on the sidelines of the Spider-Man: Far From Home set as he watched his friend do multiple flips and poses in his new suit. Tom was born for this role and Harrison had been there from the start, supporting him and cheering him on from the sidelines. The blonde boy couldn't be prouder of him. Smiling to himself he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

I should be alright. Going to grab an Uber and head over in a bit. - (Y/I/N) xx

Harrison loved you. He knew he did. He knew he liked you the minute he first saw you. He knew he was in love with you the moment you first looked into his eyes. And he knew he loved you the moment you told him your name.

(Y/I/L) - the letter that had been gracing his wrists since his 14. birthday.

(Y/I/L) - the letter that meant so much to him.

Harrison Osterfield - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now