4: Sangwoo Receives The Letter

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Your hand shook as you practically shoved the letter in the mailbox.

"There. Done." You thought as a type of relief washed over you. "Now he can listen to what I have to say. Or throw it away or whatever."

And you went home, had dinner, watched a movie and went to bed.

Meanwhile, your letter was churned through the postal system, sent to the prison, sorted properly, then checked for contraband. Once it was cleared, it went in the mail bucket for the next day.

Sangwoo laid in his cell, humming to himself, unable to sleep.

He was never able to sleep. Every few days he would pass out. Or the medical staff would become concerned and provide him with medication to sleep. But there wasn't much else he could do in the middle of the night but lay there. The daytime was the only time he could occupy his mind. He could work out. He could read. He could do anything but lay in his cell and think about what had gone wrong to get him here and how lonely he was.

So when the mail came and he was handed a letter, he was absolutely shocked. And when he sat down, opened the letter and scanned to the bottom to see who it was from, he was even more shocked.

"YN?..." He whispered. "Why are you writing me?"

And he began reading.

The first sentence made him smile. He was glad to hear that you had broken up with that loser, Dongyu. But after those first three words, his smile left and never came back.

Your father died. No one would talk to you. You couldn't talk to anyone back; especially men.

Four broken ribs and two dislocated shoulders with a torn rotator cuff? He bit his lip. He hadn't thought that he hurt you that bad. He had obviously broken your legs, but that was just so you didn't leave.

He was glad to hear that you worked with animals, but he couldn't get past what you were laying into him for.

"Did I... did I really call you a whore and slut?" He wondered out loud. "I hardly even remember... That's not how I remember you."

His frown got worse.

You screamed out that you loved me.

That was a lie. I know it was a lie, because you never said it before and because you beat the shit out of me and kept me in your basement.

"It wasn't a lie... I just... Never got to tell you..." He thought out loud again.

Then came the berating. His face fell. And fell. And fell.

I wish that you could understand what I'm going through and care. But you can't care. We all know you care a grand total of zero percent.

You're a complete and utter psychopath and that's another reason I know that you can't love me.

Tears fell from his face and he was thankful that he was in an isolated cell. He didn't need to get the shit beat out of him for showing weakness.

"I love you YN. I loved you so much I wanted to make sure the world didn't hurt you. I just thought... maybe you wouldn't listen... or I don't know... I don't know why I did it..." His face was in his hands, "I don't know. I don't know. Let me try and explain."

And he picked up a pencil and a paper.

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