23: Possible Diagnoses

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Severe depression-- before or after incarceration?

Possible anxiety

Sexually confused? Projecting masculinity, very sensitive about this

Distorted sense of reality

Dr. Wong sat and looked at the last page of his notes. Sangwoo was truly a difficult character. He fit a majority of the criteria for a narcissism diagnosis, but there were times that he was incredibly self-deprecating. It was clear that he was depressed, but was that a byproduct of being in jail? Or had that been part of the issue that led him here?

Then, there was the matter of his sexuality. He had a boyfriend, that was clear, so was the denial just part of the narcissism? Or did that confusion add to the depression? It definitely led to the distortion of reality. How does one have a same-sex partner but refuse to identify as queer? He might have to look into the literature on that.

Getting a hold on his depression had to be the first step; a huge suicide risk did not a happy doctor make. The medication seemed to work for the most part, but any small trigger really set Sangwoo off. Perhaps it was the façade of his reality breaking down that caused the rush of feelings, but nevertheless something had to be done to help. The ideal solution would be to have Sangwoo find his own way out of his illusion, assuming he didn't suffer from actual hallucinations. And that was its own question as well.

It was hard to guess what was running through this patient's head. One minute he wanted to die, the next minute he was talking about protecting a girl from the world. The puzzle pieces didn't quite fit together to make a cohesive picture.

His own morbid curiousity made it so he wanted to meet this girl-- get a read on her. Did she really love Sangwoo? Or was that entirely fantasy? Clearly, she had bothered to come see him in prison and that meant something (or was it everything?) to Sangwoo.

Dr. Wong's head swam with thoughts. Normally, cases were pretty straightforward. Therapy to decide the diagnosis, medicate and then monitor. But this was so tricky, so interesting. He felt stimulated for the first time in a long time.

He picked up the phone and dialed the front desk.

"Hello, Dr. Wong speaking. Could you please alert me to the next non-lawyer visit that inmate Oh Sangwoo receives?... Thank you." He held lots of sway over the prison here, being the only psychiatrist. 

That also however, came with something of a God complex. Dr. Wong's mission was now to fix Oh Sangwoo, no matter the challenge. After all, it was just one man, how complex could he really be?

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