14: Decisions

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"My letter was returned?" You held the letter in your hands, confused and a little bit upset.

This hadn't happened before. Did Sangwoo return it?...

No, he couldn't have. That wasn't an option, was it? The stamp on the letter was so official anyway. As you read the stamp, it became more clear.

"Recipient is unable to receive mail at this time..." You read. "Huh. That's... I don't like that..."

You really didn't like that.

"He needs to hear what I have to say!" You felt your anger boiling in you. "I'll... I'll just... I'll just go tell that fucking bastard!"

In a rush, you grabbed your coat, keys, wallet and phone and ran to your car. Blindly, you found your way to car, plugged in the name of the prison that held Sangwoo to your GPS and started your car.

Then, you drove.

Bile swished around in your stomach.

How dare he not listen to what you had to say. No matter the circumstances; Sangwoo needed to hear how angry you were. Otherwise, what was the point of writing letters?

As you drove the forty-five minutes, you calmed down and the anger was replaced with fear. But you couldn't stop. You had the letter still in your hand.

Visitor Lot

You pulled in and parked, panic making your head swim. But you were already here.

Walking up to the prison, you opened the doors and approached the desk.

"Which inmate are you here to see?" The officer inquired.

"U-uh, Oh S-Sangwoo?" You stuttered, wholly unsure now.

"Let me check if he's back in pop." She looked back at her computer and for a moment you twiddled your thumbs. "Ah, yup. Just this morning. Hasn't had a visitor yet. Alright, proceed through that metal detector, then down the hall and to the left. We'll bring him out in ten minutes or less."

Oh, fuck... oh, fuck... You thought as you mindlessly followed her directions, nodding.

Why had you come here? Why? Did you really need to come see him that badly and tell him that you hated him? This was the monster that beat you within an inch of your life. He would have killed you if he had more time.

And yet, here you were, now waiting with just a piece of plexiglass between you and where he would sit. A phone on both sides of the plastic.

You trembled in your seat.

Back in his cell however, Sangwoo was setting everything back up, attempting to get re-situated in his 'home'.

"Inmate Oh, come with us." An officer's voice boomed.

"What now? I didn't make any comments about suicide." He sat down and groaned.

"Inmate Oh, we will not ask again. Come cuff up." They stood at the door.

He sighed, stood up and walked backwards towards the door, sticking his hands out the small opening, allowing himself to be hand cuffed.

Then, the door opened and he was grabbed by his muscular biceps and escorted down the halls.

"Sir... Officer... Can you tell me where I'm going?" Sangwoo tried again.

"You have a visitor, Inmate. That's all you need to know." One of them answered gruffly, not in the mood to speak.

"What..." He was shocked. "Who could it be...?"

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