22: The First Session

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"So who is she?" The psychiatrist, Dr. Wong, inquired quietly as his patient sat stoically in a plastic chair in front of him.

"She's someone I know from before..." Sangwoo wanted to hedge his words, in case they banned you from seeing him. "A girlfriend of a good friend. Or ex-girlfriend now, I suppose."

"Oh? Tell me more." He scribbled some notes and asked another very open-ended question.

"We were pretty close as a group. Went out a lot. Talked a lot." He volunteered. "Generally just good friends."

"So why hasn't her boyfriend-- EX-boyfriend, excuse me-- come to visit you? From the little I'm hearing, it sounds like your good friend would want to come see you too."

"I'm a convicted criminal." Sangwoo looked flatly at the doctor. "You tend to lose a lot of friends that way."

"But not her?"

"No, not YN..." Sangwoo sighed as he thought about you. "You know, I always had an inkling that maybe she liked me a little more than as friends. Not in a lewd way... More like an innocent crush. Maybe she's reevaluating her choice in men."

"And you think you're a better fit for her than your good friend?"

"That neanderthal?" He was on a roll now, words coming from his mouth quickly. Any chance to talk about you, he felt like a waterfall of words were pouring from his mouth. "Of course."

"But just a minute ago, you called yourself a convicted criminal. You don't think she minds that?"

"YN? She's a literal angel. Sees people for what they are, gives them what they need at the expense of her own self. I still feel like I'm the one protecting her from the world, not that she's the one holding up mine..." His eyes stared wistfully up at the ceiling.

"How do you feel about her?" The doctor paused in writing his notes. "You've told me your thoughts on her, and what you think she feels about you, but I'm not hearing if you reciprocate anything."

"She's absolutely delightful--"

"But how do you feel?"

"I was getting to that." Sangwoo huffed. "She's absolutely delightful and I find myself wanting to see her every day. I want to protect her, but I can't from in here."

"Is this more of a paternal, or brotherly sense of protection? I'm trying to sort out the relationship that you both share together."

"In a way..." Sangwoo reeled back his adoration briefly, but the doctor noted the hesitation in his voice.

"I recall from your case notes that you had a boyfriend prior to this... is that your proclivity? Or is it more for women?" Dr. Wong quickly slipped this in, wondering how Sangwoo would react.

"Couldn't it be for both?" Sangwoo shot back, crossing his arms and signalling his defensiveness.

"Yes, bisexuality is very valid."

"I'm not."

"And how does your lack of sexual attraction to her feed into this relationship? Does it make you uncomfortable to perceive her as attracted to you? Does it make it easier for you to want to protect her?"

"I'm not gay."

"I don't mean to insinuate anything you're not comfortable with--"

"I'm straight. And she's absolutely my type."

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