30: Why?

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"When did you start realizing that you had these... feelings for YN? Feelings like you wanted to do what you did." Dr. Wong inquired to Sangwoo through the prison door. The prison was on lockdown currently, but the doctor didn't feel that Sangwoo could miss a therapy session right now. So he came to him.

"I remember the day really well. Before this, I thought she was cute, yeah, but I didn't see much potential in her to be anything. She was just that Neanderthal's girlfriend."

"So, tell me what happened."

"The afternoon was hot and calm, there was no sounds coming from the outside, just distant voices and car noises from the streets right away. You know, I lived in a pretty abandoned neighborhood. Bum had been quiet in the basement. I was standing in front of my desk, feeling dazed and over-heated. It was hot as hell and I'm pretty sure I had just done something that was difficult. Moving something or another... Anyway I didn't have a shirt on and I was feeling myself. I got my cock out, and it was almost completely hard but I didn't want to go downstairs, you know how it is, you're a man. So I'm just kind of lazily jacking it, but I'm texting back a bunch of people. And of course, that Neanderthal is one of them, but get this. He's actually bitching about having to do it with her. He's like 'she wants to try all this extra stuff' and I'm like what the fuck, right? Who complains about that? So, he keeps going and he's like 'I want to do it when I want to, is that so bad? She's not even that cute.' Full stop."

"I'm not understanding, so you thought she was cute, her ex-boyfriend didn't and that lead to the situation?"

"No, no, no, no... It just got me thinking, so I looked her up on the socials."

"And you just decided then—"

"Could you like, stop interrupting? Ruining my memory. So, I looked her up on the socials and I was surprised. Nothing crazy, just her in a sweater. Her in her scrubs. Her cuddled up to Neanderthal. So I'm just looking and I'm thinking like why? Why is he complaining about her? There's like one post a month, just some pictures that aren't even exciting. What extra stuff could she want to try that throws this horn-dog off? So, I ask."

"Do you... normally talk with your friends about their sexual activity?"

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