28: Returning to Normal

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The conversations continued less and less hostile for the next few months. Sangwoo was coming up on two years in jail now. You were going to be celebrating your third work anniversary as well.

Things were oddly... normal. Especially today, as you walked into work.

"Hey, YN!" Si-oon cheered.

"Hi, Si-oon. How are you?" You replied back with a smile.

Si-oon choked on her spit and coughed.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"Y-Yeah," She cleared her throat again. "I'm just surprised that you said more than hello! You've been in such a good mood lately. I actually wanted to know how you have been doing! I know that it can be hard working here, so I was worried you would quit."

"Worried? Why?" You looked at her curiously.

"Well... I like you! You seem very down-to-Earth... you care about the animals and you're never mean. Even when other people aren't, you know, the same."

You were speechless. What do you say to a... friend confession?

"I, uh, I think you're nice too?" You stumbled through a response. "Sorry if I was hostile. I've been going through a tough few years..."

Si-oon had only been hired in the last year and a half, so she wouldn't have known you before the incident. It was strange to you that a total stranger would be so willing to focus on the good of someone rather than the outward appearance. After all, even the people around you who had known you longer and better weren't able to move past it.

"Oh, it's fine! We all have bad days! Sometimes I don't say hi very nicely, even though that's my job..." She looked honest and sheepish.

"Well, you know, Si-oon, if that's the worst that you do, I think we'll be okay." You gave another smile and motioned that you had to leave, while Si-oon smiled back and waved.

Meanwhile, Sangwoo was sitting in the prison psychiatrist's office.

"I almost hate to admit it, but I think that YN is doing my job better than me with you. You seem to be doing very well lately. Excusing our current setting, I'd say you're almost happy. How do you feel about this statement?" The doctor asked.

"YN is heaven-sent. But I've told you that a lot." Sangwoo sighed. "And it's not that we're in love or anything-- I'm not demented. But I do think that we're both getting a lot out of our meetings."

"She, closure I assume. But you?"

"Human interaction." He admitted. "I'm not trying to leave here institutionalized, you know."

"Speaking of 'leaving here', you're approaching probation with all of your good behavior and classes. What's the plan?"


"If no?"

"Try again later."

"If yes?"

"Leave. Wouldn't you want to?"

He chuckled and smiled.

"You've got me there. But I mean more along the lines of what will you do when you leave?"

"I--" Sangwoo stumbled. He wasn't really sure. "I thought probation officers would help. I lost my house to court fees. Figured I'd stay in a halfway house."

"Not a bad plan. Have you figured out your plan with YN? If she'll have the restraining order lifted?"

The restraining order. He had forgotten all about it. He'd have to ask you.

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