36: Things Are Changing

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Laying in bed that night you stared at your freshly painted nails as you thought about your afternoon. Si-oon had practically dragged you out of the clinic the moment it closed with Min-Ah following close behind. You thought Min-Ah would have more of a scowl on her face, but it was surprisingly straight and without concern. Perhaps she wasn't as aggressive as you thought she was. Maybe it was a lack of humor.

Regardless of your thoughts on the vet, Si-oon was right that the nail salon was right down the street, and you were happy to not exercise your legs too much. You already smelled like a dog, you didn't need to sit in front of some poor nail technician and have sweat dripping down your face from the hot summer sun.

You had decided on your favorite color. It wasn't particularly bright or exciting, but it made you a little bit happy. And that was what mattered, right? That you liked them.

Suddenly, however, a strange thought crossed your mind suddenly and you sat up.

Would Sangwoo like my nails?

"Why would I care?" You said out loud. "Stupid."

But you did care and you did want to show him. Would he like your nails painted? Would he be jealous? You bookmarked these thoughts in your head and made a separate note to go visit him some time this week; before the nails got too chipped.

Meanwhile, Sangwoo was laying in his cell looking up at the ceiling. He wondered what you were doing, how you were feeling, if you were thinking of him...

He didn't have long until he would be released; only a few months to go. He had a sentence of second degree kidnapping and aggravated assault. They totaled to about ten years altogether, but with parole, he got out in less than five with time off for good behavior. That meant it had hardly been four years in the prison. That was plenty, but he knew you wished he would spend the rest of his life here.

Yet, he wouldn't. What would he do? Where would he go? He needed to worry more about himself than you but it was a struggle. Caring about you felt like the only thing he can do right. Before, he might have thought that it was something only he could do right, but now with the therapy and the medication he saw the error of his way.

"I suppose that's what they have counselors here for. I'll have to ask if I can see one..." Sangwoo spoke out loud, something he had grown accustomed to doing as of late. "I'm sure they'll say yes."

Not having anything else to do, he continued working on a project that he started a few months back; a pencil drawing. Sangwoo wasn't the best artist, but it helped to have something to keep him occupied and away from dangerous thoughts. Sitting up, he moved to the chair right next to his bed.

"I think I'll try to capture your eyes tonight... God knows how hard it is to really get that look you have..." he mused. This picture had to be perfect. It had to look just like you.

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