24: Actual Diagnoses

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Patient has a diagnosis of PTSD caused by abduction

Sleep disorder stemming from condition

Depression stemming from condition

Anxiety stemming from condition

Medicated for all of the above

Lacks coping skills


High risk

Dr. Park had a similar set of notes about you. There wasn't, however, a concern about what came first. As far as she had been made aware, you lived a generally happy life prior to the abduction, and although you had always struggled with making lasting friendships, there was little cause for concern.

But currently, she was extremely concerned about you. You were sliding down a slippery slope that made the final note on her notepad a concern to everyone.

Stockholm Syndrome?

It was a question mark for a few reasons. First, you never exclaimed anything but hate for the man who took you; there was no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Second, you rarely tried to rationalize what happened to you by blaming yourself, which would have been a much stronger marker. And third, this was relatively new for you, this fascination with talking to Sangwoo.

Could someone develop Stockholm Syndrome months after the trauma? She would have to do more research on the subject.

If she was completely honest with herself, she felt lost in treating you. She had done what she thought was right; therapy to diagnose, medicate and monitor. But what happened when new symptoms cropped up? There was no medication to treat Stockholm Syndrome, and talk therapy wasn't particularly helpful in treating you-- you utilized it as a way to vent.

Dr. Park rubbed her temples. If she wasn't careful, it would be easy to push you away from treatment and towards your captor. Too harsh and not even the medication would be able to help. Too lenient and all the progress you had made could backslide.

She wished she could meet this Oh Sangwoo. To see what was drawing her patient to him, to make an informal diagnosis that might inform her therapy sessions with you...

"He's a prisoner. I can visit anytime I want." She came to the sudden realization. Immediately, she grabbed her calendar and searched for a free spot. Oftentimes, her patients took up all the time in her day. But next week, there was an opening from a cancellation. Quickly, she scribbled in the words prison visit.

Perhaps this would give some insight into how best to treat you. 

After all, she felt a desire to protect you. You seemed so... she didn't want to say pathetic, but it was the only word that came to mind. Alone in the world and unable to cope; Dr. Park knew that if only she could give you the skills, then maybe your life could get back on track.

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