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Drip drop drip drop

You listen to raindrops as they hit against your black umbrella watching your feet as you swerve pass everybody through the busy streets of Seoul.

You and your parents had recently just moved from a small town to Seoul because of your parents jobs.

They worked together for a big business that was very popular in South Korea.

You focus on your run down converse trying to avoid the massive puddles that where in the middle of the pavement.

You were nervous because you where attending a new school since you had moved.

All you could do was over think things.

"What happens if no one likes me"

"What happens if I embarrass myself"

The list could could go on and on but you try to ignore it.

You look up to see the gates to your new school, it was like you could feel sick travelling up your body as you get more and more nervous.

Taking a deep breath you step a foot into the grounds of your new school then carry on.

You look around there wasn't a lot of people outside since it was raining heavily but you see a couple friend groups now and then.

You shut your umbrella as you enter the building slightly adjusting your hair walking over to the office grabbing your time table.

After many wrong turns you finally arrive at the right class.


You knock quietly on the door gaining the attention of the teacher and a few of the students who where already sitting down sheltering themselves from the rain.

"Hello you must be Lee Y/N the new student?" A middle aged guy stands up walking over to you with a warm smile you nod in response.

"I'm Mr Son please just stand here and you can introduce yourself to the class when the bell rings" he gives you a welcoming smile before walking back to his desk and carries on typing to what seemed like emails.

Shortly the bell rang and the class started filling up with students.

Everybodies eyes where directly focused on you, you could even hear a couple of them whisper to eachother.

"Morning class" Mr Son stands up gaining a few groans from the students.

"I can tell your all happy to be back" he chuckles to himself walking over to you.

"So as we can all tell by now we have a new stu-." The teachers words get cut off as the door suddenly swings open and a boy walks in.

You look to your left and it's like you just freeze.

He was breath taking.

Your eyes lock with his they where beautiful, he had black doe eyes with a bit of a sparkle in them , he was tall and well built he had dark brown almost black fluffy hair, he had a rather thing upper lip and a thicker lower lip and you couldn't help but notice the little mole underneath.

"Oh Jeon Jungkook you showed up" Mr Son mumbles walking back to his computer marking him here "for once" you could barley hear him whisper it.

Jungkook bows his head slightly then adjusts the hair that was covering his eyes then he walks over to the seat by the window.

"As I was saying we have a new student today please introduce yourself"

You step forward slowly looking around but mainly on the guy jungkook he wasn't paying attention instead he was looking outside he had a very sharp jawline it looked like it could cut your finger if you touched it.

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