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Stay a little longer———

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Stay a little longer

Letting out a big sigh you plop yourself down next an oak tree grabbing a pencil and sketch book out of your bag.

You open the book at a random blank page where you begin to draw, you let your pencil glide across the smooth paper filling in every detail of the wolf from your memory.

There was something very relaxing about drawing while listening to the sounds of nature it was just perfect.

Without noticing you had stuck your tongue out in complete focus and concentration while using different techniques to shade in the different areas of the wolf, you erase the little details that you thought looked odd or out of place trying to make the picture perfect.

After a while of drawing you place the pencil down on the sketchbook and stretch will examining the drawing checking the detail.

You smile in satisfaction then close the book over placing it by your legs.

You take a deep breath in of the fresh air leaning your head back against the tree closing your eyes to rest for a couple minutes, everything  was quiet but enjoyable you could sit like that for a while  but somethings always come to an end.

You snap back into reality when you hear cracking of branches and heavy breaths coming from the distance.

You stood up carefully trying to make as little noise as possible then you slowly bend down and grab your sketch book, something didn't feel right all of the sudden the noises had stopped and it went back to being quiet again it was strange.

When you stood back up you turned around but you were surprised to see someone standing right infront of you almost giving you a heart attack.

Standing infront of you was Jungkook.

You roll your eyes and face away from him clutching your sketchbook close to your body, he was so close that you could smell his fresh cologne.

You didn't dare look at him but instead tried walking away but he grabbed you by the arm to stop you.

You stop breathing for a second or two before turning around to face him.

Suddenly your body loosens up and your facial expression softens when you notice Jungkook was crying.

His eyes where red and puffy from crying, his nose was red and sniffly and his cheeks were shiny from the tears sticking to his cheeks.

You were still mad about the way he had been acting but due to your soft heart you suddenly feel bad and guilty.

"What's wrong?" you mumble trying to act cold but in reality you were concerned.

He didn't respond but instead started crying more.

'God why do I feel so guilty'

You use the sleeve of your jumper and wipe his eyes softly "don't cry"

He looks you in the eyes and you could feel him and how lost he was feeling, "why does it hurt so bad.." he finally lets out you weren't sure how to respond but taking you by surprise Jungkook quickly wraps his arms around your waist pulling you close to him placing his head on your shoulder and begins to sobs into your jumper.

Your body loosens when you feel his warm tears hit your cold body so  you wrap one arm around him and place one hand on his head then begin to stroke his hair.

"Ssh it's okay I'm here" you whisper while rocking him slowly side to side trying to calm him down.

You both stood there for a while without saying anything just enjoying eachothers company and embrace.

"Please don't leave me I can't handle it"  he suddenly lets out "I know I haven't been fair and I know I don't tell you anything but please give me time and just don't leave me"

His sudden little confession brings a few tears into your eyes "I won't" you mumble.

"Take all the time you need"

After a little while longer you try to free yourself from jungkooks strong grip but he only pulls you closer.

"Please can we just stay like this for a little longer"

You gave in and stood there playing with his fluffy hair, you had to admit you missed seeing him a lot and it kills you because you know that he is hiding things from you and he knows it's killing you but you both know that you aren't ready for anything yet.

Just a little filler chapter for you all today.

Are we glad that I'm trying to bring Jungkook back into the story if you have anything or questions feel free to leave a comment because I love reading everyone's comments they always crack me up.

Big thank you for 19k I'm in disbelief I can't thank you all enough for putting up with me and this messy story haha I was literally reading my old chapters and I was saying stuff like "thank you for 1k reads" now we are nearly at 20k it seriously means a lot x

Enjoy the rest of your day or evening :D

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