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"Do you regret it?" You sigh leaning your head slowly on jungkooks chest as you both slowly dance around the room with a soft melody playing in the background.

After the moment you both shared Jungkook had went really silent which made you feel uneasy, he didn't respond he stood there in deep thought while slowly swaying you from side to side.

"You regret it don't you" you mumble causing Jungkook to come to a halt.

He pulls back and looks at you in the eyes giving you slight butterflies in your stomach.

"Why would I regret it?" He questions grinning slightly placing a small kiss on your nose. "Why would you think that"

"I don't know you just don't seem happy or satisfied" you frown and look away from him, you hate how pathetic you felt for feeling like this but the voices in your head make it feel like it was your fault.

"Hey" Jungkook sighs but you walk away from him, he grabs your hand twirling you round then pulls you towards him picking you up effortlessly, you wrap your legs around his waist securely as Jungkook grips onto you.

"Listen" he looks at you again "I don't regret one little thing you make me feel some way that no one else has ever made me feel before" he says leaning closer towards you.

Your cheeks heat up as his sweet words made you melt, no one had ever said that to you before and you had to agree no one else had made you feel the way he does.

"How can I prove that I don't regret it" Jungkook grins, your foreheads were now touching eachothers you could feel his small breaths hit off your face as the distance between you both got smaller and smaller.

"I don't know" you mumble biting your lip without noticing as your eyes scan all of Jungkooks beautiful features even if you have already done that about a hundred times before.

Jungkook smiles before slowly placing his lips onto yours engulfing them, even if you guys have kissed many times before there was just something so exciting about it almost like it was your first kiss.

Jungkook pulls back deeply staring into your eyes, his eyes were full of love and warmth but behind them he was hiding something like sadness and regret.

"Your mine" he says with a low and seductive voice "and mine only"

You smile before kissing him again "prove it then" you say teasingly before letting yourselves get carried away.


I'm not dead!
Hello everyoneeee it's been a very long time writers block and school is just not a vibe atm 😔✋🏼 I felt bad for leaving you guys with nothing so I posted this little chapter just to give a little something but I will try my hardest to post more again!

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