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Jungkooks POV

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Jungkooks POV

My heart beat increases with excitement when I feel y/n presence downstairs.

I repeatedly tap my foot on the floor until I here and small knock at my door, I quickly look into the mirror and fix my hair grinning slightly  then i walk over to my door and see y/n standing there but she wasn't her usual bubbly self her cheeks were shiny her eyes had gone red and puffy and her nose was also red.

'Has she been crying?'

"Y/n what happened?" I question trying to hold her arm but she flinched almost in fear taking me by surprise.

She doesn't look at me but she squeezes her way through the door and stands in the middle of the room.

I shut my door and quickly stand infront of her.

My heart goes soft seeing her like this in such a vulnerable state I could just hold her in a tight embrace and never let go.

After a minute or two of unbearable silence she finally looks up and stares me in the eyes then she begins to quiver.

"Is it true" she says sounding like a bubble got stuck in her throat "that you're a werewolf?"

My heart sinks and my face goes pale, my hands start to slowly tremble and I could feel my wolf on the inside begin to worry.

"What are you talking about" I let out a nervous chuckle but by the look on her face she wasn't buying it so she pulls her phone out.

She holds it up pressing the play button to the voice recording exposing the whole conversation she had with Lina.

I was trying my hardest not to let my anger get to me and I could feel my wolf wanting to come alive to rip Lina to shreds, my hatred towards that pack was already big but it just got bigger.

What really pissed me off is when I hear y/n struggling to breath due to Lina suffocating her and the threat she gave her.

She then stops the voice recording after the sound of her getting flung was played and she looked at me but I didn't dare look at her.

My whole body was trembling seriously and my knuckles had turned fifty shades of white but the look on y/n face didn't look mad.

Instead taking me by surprise she wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my chest and begins to shush me.

"Your secret is safe with me" she whispers into my chest and I automatically calm down and hug her back tightly a small tear manages to escape my eye but I quickly swipe it away.

I was still in shock though and I couldn't let any words out.

"You don't have to respond if you don't want to but" she pauses "why did you kill her"

I sigh deeply knowing who she was on about and lean down placing my head in the crook of her neck breathing her sweet sent in to calm myself down.

"I was immature and lost" I begin to explain "she had crossed our grounds and we ended up fighting but I was too powerful for her and I ended up killing her"

Y/n stays silent and doesn't respond but she doesn't let me go and carries on embracing me.

I pull myself away and face y/n I take a deep breath in and shut my eyes before letting my wolf  take half control over me.

Once my eyes had turned into their amber self y/n tilts her head and opens her mouth slightly "are you the wolf" she whispers fascinated.

Before she could say anything I change my eyes so I was in full control again sometimes me and my wolf didn't agree on everything even if he was apart of me so I had to becareful, I nod slowly giving her a small smile before looking down.

"I'm so stupid" y/n finally lets out also looking at the floor, i had to admit she did do some questionable things but that was in the past I'm just glad she had realised she had made a mistake.

"I wish I never moved here then I wouldn't of caused so much trouble" she mutters gripping her hands into a fist, I let out a sigh before taking her hands into mine.

She looks up her teary eyes meet with mine.

Without thinking I slowly press my lips against hers I could feel her breathing stop but she soon relaxes and kissed me back, the kiss was slow and romantic my hands had slithered their way around her waist bringing her closer to me and she takes the opportunity to wrap her arms around my neck.

The kiss didn't last long but it was all I needed to satisfy me so I pull back and look into her dreamy eyes and I bring one of my hands up and rest it on her cheek.

"I'm glad you moved here" I mumble looking into her eyes one more time before planting one more small peck on her lips.

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