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"Y/n hello"  a soft voice mumbles.

Your head was pounding and you were hot all over, your eyes open slowly but everything around you was just a blur.

"Mm" you groan turning around slowly on your bed.

Your eyes suddenly open wide and you sit up quickly once everything hits you, sitting there was Jaemin with a smile on his face "so you're awake"

"Where's Jungkook, what happened, kiss you and me, what.." you start rambling on looking around in confusion.

"Jungkook? Kiss? What are you on about?" Jaemin raises his eyebrow in amusement "do you not remember anything"

Your back slumps against your bed as you try to remember what happened last night but all you could remember was a kiss with Jaemin and Jungkook being there.

"You really don't do you" Jaemin chuckles leaning back in the chair next to you "you literally passed out we had started playing the shot game then you just passed out on the table and didn't wake up till now"

"So your telling me we didn't kiss and Jungkook wasn't there" you sit there mentally slapping yourself.

"No" he laughs passing you over a water bottle and two pills "take that you will feel better"

'So it was a dream..' you sigh embarrassed taking the medicine "it felt so real"

"What about Eunha and the others?" You question taking a big gulp of your water.

"I managed to get them home safely don't worry Eunha told me to tell you that you have to message her an apology for scaring her" he smiles thinking about it and so do you.

"Have you been here all day or?" You look outside to see that the sun was already out.

"No I only arrived about 5 mins ago to check up on you and to drop some medicine and snacks off" he says holding up a plastic bag filled with goods.

"Thank you"  you smile taking the bag from him placing it down next to you.

"I better get going I have things to do message me if you need anything" he smiles placing a loose strand of hair behind your hair then he stands up waving goodbye then leaves.

You peak into the bag and see a couple water bottles with some medicine and chocolates sitting at the bottom , you smile and rock side to side like a child.

You pick up your phone from your bedside table unlocking it to see 10 new messages from Eunha.

You send her a quick message to say you were feeling okay then place your phone down and cover yourself back up with the blanket you still felt quite embarrassed about earlier but you shook your head to try get rid of the thought.

Shortly without realising your eyes shut and you were back off into dream land.


After what felt like five minutes you wake back up from your deep nap pulling whatever was under your arm closer towards you.

It took you a minute or two to realise that something was there and you weren't just imagining things.

Your eyes open to see a familiar amber pair staring right back.

The wolf had came back.

You'd think that your natural instincts would kick in by now since there was a wolf just laying there in your bed but for some reason you don't even budge.

Your body suddenly relaxes when you realise he won't harm you but instead he seemed very happy to see you again.

His tail was wagging like crazy from side to side occasionally hitting your leg, he done the puppy eyes which made you melt.

You take this moment to pet his fluffy fur feeling almost complete.

You had to admit you did miss wolf cuddles and you where very glad that he was here.

"I missed you" you sigh and smile as he gives your face a lick with his big slobbery tongue, sitting up you lean against the headboard of your bed followed by the follow resting his head on top of your lap making sure your hand was on his head.


A very short chapter today I just wanna say thank you for all your lovely comments on my little post I really appreciate it and it's helped a lot.

I think I just needed a kick up the backside just to get back into things :,)

Thank you for 17k reads like wow I'm actually so shook right now maybe if you want I could do something like a q&a idk leave a comment if you want one maybe of like the characters pov if you know what I mean.

Right I'll stop talking now enjoy the rest of your day or evening x

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