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It was a week later you were sat downstairs eating away at the bowl full of cereal with Jungkook who stood infront of you eating a slice of toast, Jungkook bopped his head to the music playing from the radio taking big bites out of his toast.

"You seem to never leave this place do you" you chuckle taking the last spoon full of cereal.

"Me and Namjoon aren't on the best of terms right now" he shrugs his shoulders taking your bowl putting it in the dishwasher facing towards you after placing his chin on the palms of your hands.

"He knows I've been with you" he sighs looking into your eyes.

"Does he know about us?" You question taking one of jungkooks hands playing with his fingers intertwining yours with his.

"No he wouldn't support it" he frowns.


"Because you're human" he sighs again before lifting your hand up placing a kiss on it.

"Well make me like you then"

Jungkook chuckles tightening the grip on your hand slightly at the thought "it's not so easy"


"You see you are either born werewolf or it doesn't become obvious until you're like 12 but for a person your age to suddenly shift into one for the first time could be life threatening." Your smile falls at the words.

"Have I ever told you the story about Namjoons first love?" Jungkook tilts his head, you think for a moment before shaking your head.

"Namjoon had fell in love with a human many years ago when he was the new pack leader as his father got killed" he begins to explain intriguing you. "Her name was Sangmi she was very beautiful I never got to meet her in person I only saw the photos but from what I've heard she was such a genuine kind soul who brought light to the darkest of rooms"

"What happened to her?" You raise your eyebrow in question causing Jungkook to take a deep breath, he looks into your eyes and let's out.

"She died" you let out a silent gasp "they were madly in love one night they took it that extra step further and got to carried away he ended up crushing her bones and killed her"

You felt tears threatening to leave the corner of your eyes you couldn't help but imagine how he must of felt that night knowing the person he loved so much got taken away from him so easily.

"He still blames himself for what happened everyday, he acts like it doesn't bother him anymore but behind those eyes are a boy who is broken and guilty"

You tap your foot repeatedly off the floor feeling sudden guilt travel throughout you, something didn't feel right.

"That night when we done it I had never felt such fear and guilt before when I realised I hurt you it pained me so much" he looks down in disappointment "I will never let anything happen to you I promise"

You lean forward and place a small kiss on his lips "don't worry I wouldn't let any of us get carried away"

That strange feeling still never left you it had now travelled down to your stomach.

"Was that milk still in date" you groan clutching onto your stomach Jungkook looks at you concerned before checking the milk in the fridge.

"Goes off next week" he says placing the milk back in the fridge, you nibble the inside of your cheek feeling that feeling travel up from your stomach.

You clutch onto your stomach before bolting to the downstairs bathroom sliding on the floor as you vomit this mornings breakfast back up, Jungkook was quickly behind you to grab your hair to hold it back rubbing your back quietly.

You slam your hand around the toilet before hitting the flush button sitting down on the floor.

"That cereal didn't agree with my stomach I guess" you sigh grabbing Jungkooks hand to help you lift yourself up, you take a sip of water from the tap swirling it round your mouth before spitting it back out.

"You're over thinking something" Jungkook let's out after being silent for so long.


"I can read it off you ,you're over thinking" he stands there like a deer infront of headlights.

"So what I'm a week late doesn't mean anything" you mutter before pausing realising what you just said.

"You don't think?" You question in denial but by the shocked look on Jungkooks face right now was saying other.

Your blood goes cold and you freeze in place you could feel yourself getting more and more lightheaded before you collapse.


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