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Your still confused.


You sit in your room with your head against the board of your bed as everything comes flooding back, you just couldn't get your head round anything.

Why does Jungkook really dislike no more like hate Jaemin.

Why did he kiss you.

Why did his eyes change colour?

There was so many questions you could ask him but you couldn't face him right now.

You stand up feeling the cold wooden floor against your bare feet and walk over to the balcony door opening it then walking onto it.

You lean against the balcony feeling the cool morning air blow swiftly through your hair occasionally sending shivers down your spine.

It was great, the pressure felt like it was lifted completely of your shoulders.

Almost like you are flying.

Your lost in a train of thought everything was muted in the background it was only you and your thoughts.

But that didn't last long.

Your eyes focus towards a bush where sudden rumbling noises were coming from.

Then another creature that almost looked like a wolf ran by but your eyes couldn't quite focus on what it was.

Growling and howling could be heard from the far distance which gained your attention more and more.

"God dammit" you mumble before leaving your balcony then your room and head downstairs.

"Another murder has happened two drunk teenaged girls were found dead in the forest outside of Seoul police believe it was another animal attack" you walk by the tv which gains your attention to the young lady tv presenter.

"Oh dear" your mum mumbles crossing her legs on the couch as she takes a sip from here coffee.

You pause as you look at the selfies of the girls that was montaged on the tv.

It made you feel upset looking to see how happy they looked in the photo and how they were taken away to soon you couldn't even begin to think of how the parents must of been feeling knowing that their daughter has been murdered and how let down they must feel knowing they couldn't help her.

"What a shame" your mum sighs placing her coffee cup down on the table switching the channel "where you off to?"

You turn around seeing your mum with a confused look on her face as you tie the laces on your shoes together.

"Oh I'm just going for a walk" you smile at her wrapping your hand around the door handle.

Once you were away from your horse you speed walk through the forest trying to follow where the sounds were coming from.

Something didn't feel right it almost felt like something was following behind you.

Like eyes piercing the back of your head.

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