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It's the first day back at school and you're sitting in your history class tapping your pencil repeatedly against the table watching as the students begin to fill the classroom up with a gloomy expression on their face it's just something about the vibe of this room just makes you sad.

Looking outside you begin to wonder off into thought watching the dull grey clouds cover the entire sky making everything dark and sad.

Sighing you place your pencil down and wait for the lesson to begin.

You begin to tap your foot on the ground as you become more and more anxious noticing that Jungkook wasn't here and that he probably won't even show up.

"Does he not even want to see me after the whole incident?" You mumble under your breath picking the pencil back up and begin to doodle the wolf in the back of your class work jotter.

Your head shoots up when you hear clicks and creeks of the door meaning it was being opened but it wasn't Jungkook who was standing there it was actually Jaemin.

When he notices you he flashes a bright smile and hurried towards you.

You could hear the mumbles of the popular girls in the back snickering away but like always you don't pay attention to a word they say.

"Jaemin what are you doing here?" You say tilting your head slightly to the side as he flings down his bag under the table pulling the seat out from underneath sitting down in it.

"I got moved to this class"

You smile while he tries to find a pencil in his bag but after searching quite a while for it he couldn't find one letting out a defeated sigh "by any chance do you have a pencil I could borrow"

You giggle grabbing a spare pencil from your bag placing it in his hand.

It was strange there was something about the bond that you and Jaemin had that just made you feel complete inside.

Shortly the teacher begins to teach the class already boring the living day lights out of you so you begin to work on the wolf sketch again.

You catch a side glance of Jaemin staring very intensively as you work away at your sketch catching every detail of the wolf at this point the teacher was basically muted you didnt even notice that someone had walked into the class.

"Oh Jeon Jungkook you showed up"

Your head shoots up from the sudden mention of his name and there he was standing there his hair in a usual messy state but in a cute way.

He bowed slightly to the teacher then he turns around the expression on his face was one you wouldn't want to mess with.

He didn't look at you once his eyes where glued to Jaemin who gave Jungkook a cheeky smirk.

Jungkooks face was red from anger and it was like you could see smoke coming out of his ears as he walks towards us.

"Excuse me but I think that this is my seat" Jungkook scoffs crossing his arms over glaring at Jaemin but he doesn't budge.

"Jungkook just sit somewhere else and stop making a scene" you whisper quietly he faces you with a hurt expression on his face.

"I'm sorry but last time I checked your name wasn't written here so I think I can sit here" Jaemin sends him a cat like grin placing his hands on the palm of his hands.

"You first disturbed my class now your making a scene over a seat go sit next to Minju" Mr Sons stern voice calls out from behind his computer screen, Jungkook sighs in defeat looking up to see Minju sifting there in shock since Jungkook had to sit next to her.

"What is his problem" you mumble.

The class carries on like normal except Jungkooks eyes haven't left you or Jaemin once you could literally feel the back of your head burn from Jungkooks intense and mad stare.

Finally the annoying noise of the bell rings.

Jaemin hands you back your pencil thanking you then begins to pack his stuff away quickly then begins helping you pile up your jotters.

"Let's go" he says flinging his back over his back then begins to walk out the classroom with you following behind Jungkook had already left the class not even looking at you once.

It was a couple hours later school had finished and you had never felt happier in your life.

You walk home through your normal path with your headphones in playing some music at full blast.

Today was strange you had stuck with Jaemin most of the day and you got to know him a bit better you learnt how nice he was and he told you about his roommates well most of them it was confusing.

After first class Jungkook had disappeared for the rest of the day you had tried calling him numerous times but they went straight to voicemail.

Suddenly you feel yourself being pushed up against a tree taking you by the surprise the shock from your body colliding with the tree left you a bit winded and you struggled to get your breath back.

Standing infront of you was Jungkook his face looked pissed.

"Jungkook let me go" you say as you try to squirm your way out.

"That hurt you know" Jungkook scoffs "I thought we had something and that you would stick up for me you know but I was mistaken"

He smirks looking around the look of jealously never left his eyes.

"Jungkook listen to yourself this is ridiculous are you seriously getting butt hurt over that" you felt like a small ball of rage and anger as you try stick up for yourself and make yourself look big. "Get over it"

"Get off of her" Jaemins voice shouts then he grabs Jungkooks arm and flings him to the ground forcing him to let go of you.

"Don't ever treat a girl like that again" Jaemins voice wasn't the soothing one you were used to instead it was full of hate and anger, he then looks round at you holding your cheeks "are you alright"

You manage to nod a little your body begins to suddenly shake violently and the tears begin to reach the corners of your eyes as you stare down at Jungkook who stood there is disgust.

"Let's go" Jaemins once soothing voice returns as he wipes your tears that had managed to escape then he carefully places his arm around your shoulder grabbing your phone with his free hand that had fell when Jungkook pushed you.

The sudden burst of emotions get the best of you and you begin to cry all the way home.



Short chapter today :)

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