Rye | Best Mates Sister

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Quietly I make my way to the kitchen having slept in the conservatory on the couch since I was visiting my brother for the week. The room is dark, making me stumble slightly. I all about scream when arms wrap around me to stop me from falling face first into the floor.

"Shhh, Y/N it's just me." I hear Rye say quietly, as if he would wake anyone up.

"Well great. First I about faceplant and then almost scream when someone catches me." I grumble making my way to the fridge.

"Hey no. You're fine, shit happens." Rye says, following me as I open the fridge door.

The light makes me cringe slightly as it illuminates the dark room and that's when I notice Rye is only in his boxers. His RED boxers. My breath catches and I have to tear my eyes away. That was Andy's best mate. I couldn't do that to my own brother. But as I grab for a water I remember exactly what I had been sleeping in, which wasn't all that much. My sports bra, a loose tank top, and nothing but boy short panties. I clear my throat making my way to the other side of the kitchen now, jumping up and sitting on the counter. Attempting my best to not make things awkward as Rye follows me.

"So why are you up at..." I say, squinting to see the clock. "3 in the morning?"

"I could ask you the same question." Rye retorts.

The moonlight coming through the window illuminating his face making it so I can see as he raises an eyebrow at me. I shift now lightly, but squeak as I begin to slip. Rye's fast to react, grabbing onto my hips to steady me. Carefully he pushes me back, before settling himself between my thighs.

"Rye?" I whisper.

Gasping quietly as I feel his hands shift, rubbing circles into the front of my hips with his thumbs. I turn away, facing the couches. Slowly Rye's hands begin to rub my thighs, occasionally sliding his fingers underneath the line of my panties.

"Rye what are you doing?" I finally ask, my hands trembling as they stop his roaming ones.

"Oh come on. We both know this was going to happen at some point." Rye says with a slight childish whine.

"Rye we talked about this. It can't happen. Andy's my brother." I whisper shout at him now.

But I make the mistake of looking him in the eyes, seeing how dark they are.

"I..." I begin to say, but before I can stop it we both lean in.

Our lips meet in a fiery kiss. His arms wrapping around my waist to pull me close as I cup his cheeks in my hands. When we break apart we're both gasping for air.

"We can't..." I begin, but don't finish as Rye shushes me.

He makes it so I'm laying back against the counter, and I gasp at the cold feeling. Rye's hands spread my legs wider and I bite back a whine, turning away from his intense gaze.

"Don't you want me?" Rye whispers, his lips meeting the inside of one of my thighs.

I can feel my legs tremble as he carefully tugs me toward him a little more.

"F-fuck." I whimper as I feel his hot breath overtop of my panties.

"Already all worked up? So wet baby."

Rye's teeth lightly run against me, my back arching and legs about clamping around his head. He lifts away now, tugging my panties to one side and letting one of his fingers run along my core.

"So fucking wet." He whispers before pushing one of his fingers into me.


I reach for something to grab onto but am met with nothing as he works his finger in and out of me.

"God you're so sensitive." Rye praises, other hand beginning to trail up underneath my tank top and underneath my sports bra.

He hums as I twitch from his hand beginning to knead at my breast.

"So naughty," Rye begins now as he carefully pushes a second finger in next to the first making me let out a moan. "Letting me finger you on the counter top while your brother is sleeping upstairs."

Rye begins to curl his fingers, working them quicker as his thumb begins making circles over my clit.

"Lets see how fast I can make you cum." Rye smirks at me now, pinching my nipple before dipping down and replacing his thumb with his mouth.

I begin to rock back against him as I gasp for air, getting worked up so quickly the heat pooling in my stomach. The uncontrollable feeling of pleasure that begins to roll over my entire body as my eyes roll back. My back repeatedly arching, my mouth finally dropping into a silent moan as I squirm trying to push him away.

"Rye, fuck Rye stop!" I cry out now as he pulls away, wiping his lips off.

"Do I need to..." I begin but Rye shakes his head.

"Trust me, I came to all those noises you were making baby." He smirks slightly, pulling me down off the counter

Trapping me between his arms I tilt my head up to meet his eyes. They're now soft, and almost like a child's compared to the almost black lust filled ones not that long ago. Carefully, almost like he's scared I'm going to run away, he leans down and kisses me softly.

"Are we ok?" He asks.

I nod, kissing him now as his arms wrap around my small body.

"What the fuck?" We both hear, making us both whip our heads toward the door.

My eyes widen as I see my brother standing there in the doorway. Rye's arms tightening around my waist in protection, even though he didn't need to protect me from my own brother.

"And, we're not starting this right now." I plead, feeling Rye's hand rub against my exposed skin comfortingly.

"Stay the fuck away from my sister Beaumont." Andy hisses, turning away now probably too tired to deal with it.

I look up to Rye now, slight guilt written across his face.

"We shouldn't have should we?" I ask softly.

"I told him I'd stay way. I just couldn't." Rye admits now, pulling me toward his bedroom.


"Just come cuddle me. I'm not going to be able to sleep otherwise now."

I sigh nodding.

*Third Person*

And maybe Andy was more upset in the morning finding Y/N under Rye's duvet, cuddled up into his chest. And maybe he eventually got over it when he saw the love in Rye's eyes toward Y/N.

Hi hello, I'm not sure how I feel about this one but I hope you enjoyed. Peace and love x

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