Rye | Pool

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"Y/N come on! Just get in." Rye whisper shouts at me.

"Rye we're going to get caught!" I whisper shout back, looking around the pool room.

It was way past pool hours at the hotel. Rye had dragged me here not long after Daren and the rest of the boys had passed out. The brunette boy giving me a pout I finally give in, tugging off my shorts and pulling off Rye's hoodie that I had been wearing. I go to step into the pool but am stopped. Rye stood in front of me making me gasp. His wet hands trailing up my sides and tugging at my panties.

"Off." He whispers, nudging noses with me.

I shakily take a breath, nodding quickly. I push the panties down part way before they fall to the cement silently. Rye's fingers quickly undoing the clasp of my bra, carefully pushing the straps off my shoulders. I let out a slight gasp as his lips meet my shoulder, carefully trailing kisses up my neck, my jaw, and then to my lips.

"Come here." Rye whispers, slowly pulling me toward the water.

Rye jumps in before me and I squeak from the cold water splashing me. When he pops up he's grinning at me cheekily.

"Ass." I state, crossing my arms and jutting my hip to the side.

Rye wiggles his eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes as I slowly get into the water, shivering dramatically. Brown eyes connect with mine as I finally reach him, his hand coming up to trace my cheek. But before I can react he's picked me up and thrown me into the deep end. I come up gasping for air, finding the edge of the pool.

"You didn't!" I whine, gripping the side of the pool.

When he gets close enough I launch myself at him, pushing him under by his shoulders, but he tugs me after. Quickly taking in a breath before my head is submerged. Both of us opening our eyes before he pulls me into a rough kiss as we slowly drift to the air. Breaking apart as we reach the surface, I quickly escape to the shallow end. Only to be carefully pushed against the side of the pool.

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispers huskily into my ear, taking the lobe between his teeth lightly.

My mouth drops open slightly, tilting my head as he begins to suck right below my ear. Butterflies erupting in my tummy as his hand starts to trace up my side, coming up to cup my breast. Pinching and rolling my nipple as his other hand travels under the water to slowly circle my clit with his fingers.

"F-fuck Rye. We really shouldn't be doing this." I frantically whisper.

"Shhh, just let go baby." Rye encourages, slowly pushing two fingers into me.

"O-oh my god." I breathe out, legs already trembling under the water.

"Turn around for me."

Rye lifts me now. Setting me on the cement and making me lay down much to my dislike. But I shiver as he spreads my legs, leaning in. I feel his hot breath over my entrance and I jolt at the sensation. Letting out a desperate cry as his mouth meets me, sucking harshly at my clit. My legs about closing around his head.

"Feel good baby?" Rye says, kissing up my thighs and making me groan in frustration.

He chuckles. Two fingers being slowly pushed into me.

"P-please!" I beg, my toes curling.

His fingers work quickly, the feeling so overwhelming as I feel myself dripping from being so wet. But I loose it as his mouth meets my clit again, flicking his tongue over it quickly.

"I'm- I'm! Oh god yes! Fuck yes! Don't stop, please don't stop!" I almost yell, coming apart underneath Rye's tongue before my entire body rests to the cement again.

"Good girl." Rye praises, carefully helping me back into the water.

"Your turn."

I push Rye toward the pool stairs, making him set down.

"Mmm what are you gonna do baby?" Rye smirks as I straddle him.

I don't say a word as I position him, carefully sliding down his long, thick dick. Hissing slightly from oversensitivity, but I ignore it as I slowly grind with him deep inside me. Rye grips my hips overly tight as his head drops back, eyes rolling.

"God you're so tight. So wet for me." Rye praises before he lifts us, pushing me against the pool wall.

Rye going much deeper than before as I'm pushed to the wall, both of us moaning much louder than we probably should.

"I want you to cum again." Rye commands, making me claw at his back and shoulders.

Waiting no time as he begins to thrust steadily and roughly into me. Digging my head into his neck as he continues to go impossibly deeper with every thrust. My legs are almost numb as my back arches, gripping Rye's hair tightly. I can feel the warmth pooling in my stomach much faster than the first, tightening around Rye's dick like a vice grip.

"Shit!" Rye curses out, pulling out quickly as he cums all over my tummy.

Letting my body slide down into the pool again, all the evidence of our act gone as Rye holds me to his naked body, tracing his fingers across my skin.

Well, hope you enjoyed. Peace and love x

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