Randy | I'll Teach You

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Backstory: Andy and Rye are both bi, Andy leans towards girls, Rye leans dramatically so towards guys. Have fun.


I was only over to play a game of footie with the boys. Being one of their long time friends from America. Only visiting for a couple weeks. But when Rye's body collided with mine and we hit the ground, grunts falling from both of our lips is when things got heated.

Only Rye, Andy, and I had been left on the field. Rye's eyes connected with mine and it was like magnets as our lips met unexpectedly. Both of us very much forgetting Andy, setting about 3 meters away until we heard a gasp making us jump apart.

"Rye!" Andy half yells, and I don't even dare look over at the boy who I've had a crush on for 3 years now.

"I- we- it wasn't-" Rye stumbles over his words, and I can see his eyes beginning to water.

"You know..." Andy begins, voice completely devoid of anger now. "We could all maybe?"

Rye looks like he's seen a ghost, face paling and not being able to say a word. I freeze as I have made it to a sitting position, and I think Andy notices how tense my body has went.

"I- I mean, only if you guys are up to it." Andy's stumbling over his words now as I watch blush creep up and into his cheeks.

"I mean..." Rye begins softly now and I turn toward him, his eyes trailing up to mine slowly.

My face is hot and I know I probably look  like a tomato at this point. Don't get me wrong, the boys were all my best friends, but that didn't mean that I didn't fantasize on occasion. I turn, meeting Andy's eyes, which are soft with a slight smile on his lips. I find myself nodding before I even get the chance to say or do anything else.


"Thanks for dinner Gibbo." I say as I put my plate into the sink, going up on my tip toes to kiss his cheek lightly.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I'm being lifted. I squeak, grabbing onto whoever's arm is around me for support.

"Put me down!" I all but yell as I'm being brought up the stairs.

I can hear the laughter of the other boys flood through the kitchen door before I'm set at the top of the stairs and spun around, pushed up against a wall.

"Waited too long." I hear Rye's voice and see him for a split second before his lips are on mine.

I squeak in surprise as I'm lifted, Rye wrapping my legs around his waist as he trails kisses down my jaw line and neck. My fingers threading through his hair as I lean my head back.

"Damn couldn't wait for me huh?" I hear Andy's voice tease.

"Bed-bedroom." I gasp out as Rye latches to my neck, sure to leave a mark I would have to cover up.

Rye doesn't listen, continuing to get worked up against me. Looking over to Andy in desperation, seeing how he's watching us intently now. Eyes trailing where Rye's hands smooth over my body.

"Ryan!" I speak up now and he pulls away, face already flushed.

"Right. Bedroom." He blushes now as he goes to set me on my feet.

Andy quickly leans in, our lips briefly meeting for the first time before he's pulling us both toward his bedroom. I freeze slightly as I set down on Andy's bed, but all the worries disappear as Andy's lips are on mine. I'm slowly pushed down to a laying position, Andy between my legs as Rye crawls up next to us.

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