Rye | 50 Shades Aye

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*Y/N's POV*

Blinking my eyes open tiredly, even though I knew it was part way into the afternoon. Having not slept all night because finals were coming up. Blinking the blurriness away to finally focus on what had caused me to wake up. Rye. Settled over my waist, bracketing my hips with his legs as he began to wrap fabric around my wrists.

"Good morning baby girl." Rye smirks down at me, the sarcasm dripping in his tone.

"Rye no!" I whine, squirming beneath him.

Knowing what was about to happen because I didn't sleep during the proper hours like I should have. Slipping into bed with Rye as the morning light started to peak through the curtains.

"How many times have I told you that sleeping during the day would mess up your sleeping schedule?" He chastises me, tightening the fabric.

That's when I noticed his tie was missing. I take a shaky breath and look up to see me tied to the headboard. Trailing my eyes back down and focus as Rye unbuttons his too slowly. Climbing out of bed and dropping the shirt to the floor. A sliver of daylight shining across his tanned skin. His eyes raking over my body making me shiver. A tongue swiping across his lower lip.

"I was trying to study." I try, but my mouth snaps shut from the look he gives me.

Goose bumps trailing over my skin. Hair raising.

"Huh." Was his response to that and I take a shaky breath, not knowing what that meant.



I almost whine in response but knowing that would just tick him off more as he moves across the room to grab one of his other ties.

"This'll keep you quiet." He says. "Lift your head."

Following orders I let him tie it around my mouth. Thumb stroking over my cheek before kissing my forehead.

"I thought I would come home to dinner made. But instead I find you in here sleeping. After we have already made an agreement of sleep from twelve to eight. Instead Floura tells me that you're still sleeping. At five in the afternoon." Rye practically growls as he undoes his belt.

Dropping his pants and boxers in one go. Not being able to help the whine that slips through my lips and the wetness that grows between my legs as he strides toward the bed again. His hardened length bouncing with each step.

"Mmm getting wet already baby?" He smirks, knowing exactly what he's doing to me.

I try my best to glare at him. Watching as he crawls up the bed, like a lion stalking its prey. Feeling my body flush as he takes me by the ankles and tugging my legs apart to continue to crawl up between them. Head dipping down to trail his lips over my tummy. Taking in a shocked breath. Craning my head to keep my eyes on him as he slowly makes his way up me. His nose nudging me so I relax and drop my head to the pillow again. Soft plump lips attacking my neck before he detaches himself from me. Hand slowly trailing up to my neck and giving a light squeeze. Eyes rolling even while I was trying to keep control.

"You're going to cum so many times." I can hear the smirk behind his voice, but a venom behind it as well.

I can't help the spasm that goes along my naked body as Rye grinds his hardened member right up along my slit. Slowly gliding it along my clit. Tugging at my bindings, whimpering. Just wanting to tell him I needed more. I needed him to grind into me harder, faster. To get himself wet.

"You want it so bad don't you?" He teases.

I want to flip our position. I want to tie him down. A moan slipping through my lips as he tugs at one of my nipples. My legs snapping closed around his hips. His tongue circling around the other as he continues to roll the other between his fingers.

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