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TW: This is a bit of an intense scene. If you're sensitive when it comes to multiple male sex scenes proceed with caution. Not edited. But when is it ever?

*Y/N's POV*

I should have listened when Andy warned me that all three of them wanted me. I should have listened.

Searching out Harper as I was bored, finding him Rye and Brook talking. Harper sat on the couch as Brook and Rye are stood, looking pretty deep in discussion.

"I doubt she would even mind." Rye states, running his hands across his face frustratedly.

"It's not like she doesn't know we all like her." Brook comments too, setting down against the dresser.

Quietly I make my way into the room, crawling onto Harper's lap much like I did whenever I wanted attention. Andy's shirt that I had on riding up and over my bare thighs, feeling a slight breeze against my ass. Just the thin material of my lace panties covering me.

"Hey baby." Harper murmurs, kissing at my neck softly as I settle myself on his lap.

Humming and nuzzling into his shirtless body, his hands pulling me more snuggly around his lap. A shocked gasp emitting from my lips as I feel his dick hardened beneath me.

"What thoughts got you so worked up?" I teased, pulling away to look at him.

His expression nervous, not making eye contact. Instead looking to the other two older boys behind us. I turn, eyes widening as Rye comes into view. Most likely having missed it when I first walked in but shocked that I did as I saw how strained his member was in his boxers. Practically sticking straight out.

"Look. We're not going to force anything but..." Harper begins.

"Yes." I cut him off, turning back to him then looking at Brook.

Licking my bottom lip, biting onto it. Thighs tightening around Harper's hips as I feel a hand slowly trace down my back. Fingers slowly running up to my center, body trembling as the blonde in front of me pulls me in for a kiss. Leaving myself more open as the fingers continue, whining against Harpers lips.

"Feel good?" Rye's voice hums into my ear.

"Brook get me a condom." I faintly hear Harper as Rye tugs my panties to the side.

Running his calloused fingers along my clit, all the way down to sink a finger deep in me. Squirming on Harper's lap making him suck in a breath.

"S-hit." I shudder, gripping Harpers hair as I bury my face into his neck.

"Shut the door."

I can barely even recognize who's saying what at this point. Being moved so Harper can tug his  boxers off underneath me. Reaching down myself, wrapping my fingers around his length. Slowly pumping him as his abs flutter under the touch.

"Fuck baby." Harper grits, head falling back.

My hand releasing him and gripping his thigh as Rye pushes a second finger in next to the first. My center practically dripping over his fingers.

"Do you want her?" Rye asks Harper.

Harper's hands possessively reaching forward pulling me toward him again, making Rye's fingers slip out of me.

"Take that as a yes." Rye mumbles, tossing Harper the condom.

"Rye." I turn to him, chills running across my body as Harper teases the head of his dick along my center.

Rye's eyes following the shape of my body down, darkening as Harper slowly begins to fill me. Crying out, the size shocking me slightly. Fingernails biting into Harper's shoulders.

Y/N Roadtrip One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now