Jack | Sit On My Face

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*Y/N's POV*

Making my way past Rye I take his beer bottle directly out of his hand, taking a small sip.

"That was mine Y/N!" He whines and I laugh, smirking around the opening of the bottle.

I send him a wink and he smacks my ass making me yelp and run to the other side of the fire.

"Hand's off my girl Beaumont." Jack teasingly warns.

Carefully setting down onto Jack's lap, I watched the flames from the fire dance around in beautiful patterns. Beer pressed to my lips as I took a small drink. Still grimacing at the taste.

"Why are you drinking it if you don't like it babe?" Jack laughs softly, taking the bottle from my hand and taking a much larger drink than I did.

"Because it stops bothering me after I've had a few." I answer with a shrug of my shoulders as I lay back into him, letting my head rest on his shoulder as my legs dangle over the arm of the chair.

I can hear the light chatter of the other boys but zone out as Jack's fingers lightly trace my side, letting his hand slip up and under his hoodie that I'm wearing. Shivering lightly under his touch as he lets his hand travel much farther up to my chest.

"I like how my hoodie looks on you babe." Jack mumbles into my ear before softly kissing my neck.

Biting my lip as his hand smooths over my breast, pinching my nipple through my sports bra. But as soon as the contact is there, it's gone. Only to slip into my shorts over top of my panties, teasing a finger along my center. Jack doesn't stop until my breathing is ragged and I'm squirming in his lap. So unfair how easily he can get me worked up.

"If you two are going to have sex, please go to your room." Andy's voice announces, and my face goes bright red.

Quickly pushing Jack's hand away, standing and leaving the bonfire abruptly.

"What the fuck And!" I can hear Jack hiss.

"Sorry mate. I didn't think she was going to react that way! I was only joking." Andy exclaims and I have to fight the urge to slam the door behind me as I make my way through the kitchen and up to Jack's room.

Laying on his bed I'm quick to tug off my shorts, too worked up still to really give two shits. Legs spread as I reach down, rubbing myself through my panties as Jack did only moments ago. Trying to keep my breathing steady. The sensation of my fingers making circles over my clit has me whining out in desperation.

"So you decided to start without me huh baby?" I hear Jack's voice with a click of the door shutting.

When the hell did he even get in here? I didn't even hear the door open. I feel the bed dip down by my feet and the slowly up to where I am, Jack's face coming into view. A smirk etched onto his face as his eyes look all over me.

"Already all fucked out aren't you baby?" He teases, his fingers replacing mine.

"Was so worked up. But too embarrassed to let you go further out at the fire." I admit as he kisses my neck and chest softly.

"Would have let me wouldn't you? Would have let me finger you until you were screaming my name. Right in front of all the boys watching you."

I'm biting my lip, holding back the moans I know the boys would hear as Jack's window was wide open.

"Why don't you come here and sit on my face baby?" Jack encouraged as he knelt backward, sprawling out on the bed next to me.

"I- Jack." I breathe, my body almost frozen.

"It's just like when you're laying down baby, but where you can see me like I see you with your pretty little mouth on my dick."

Shakily I get to my knees, where Jack then helps me up into the position I need to be. Basically falling into the headboard and gripping it tightly from the sensation of his tongue running up my center. His hands roaming my ass, squeezing here and there as he alternates speed and pressure with his tongue on my clit.

"Jack! Fuck. O-oh!"

My hips swiveling against his mouth on their own accord. The vibrations of his moans making me wetter by the second. Taking in a shocked breath as Jack flips us quickly, detaching his mouth from me. Stripping of his clothes in seconds. Wiping his mouth as he moves to a similar position that I was in.

"Open your mouth." Jack commands softly, rubbing the precum from his tip onto my lips.

Being careful to not use my teeth as Jack begins to slowly fuck my mouth. Deep groans emitting from his lips. Gagging around him, constricting my throat till he stops. Pulling slowly out of my mouth. Strings of saliva and precum connecting from my mouth to his dick. Watching as he reaches for a condom, shuffling to between my legs.

"Gonna fuck you in my hoodie. Hands and knees baby."

I do so. Spreading my legs and letting my upper body fall against the sheets as Jack slowly pushes his dick into me. Rubbing my hips until he slowly begins to pump himself, my legs already beginning to shake from the sensation. Full on whining his name repeatedly as he grips my hips a bit harder, pulling me to meet his every thrust.

"Up. On your knees." Jack encourages softly, helping me into the kneeling position.

One of his hands sliding up my tummy, between my breasts, and around my throat. Constricting my airway as he continues to thrust into me. The sound of our skin slapping is obscene, our moans almost drown out by the noise. Jack's other hand making its way down to quickly rub against my clit, my walls instantly tightening around the brunette's dick as I try to gasp for air. My orgasm building and releasing quickly. Thighs trembling, eyes rolling as I begin to see white.

"Jack?" I slur, reaching around in the darkened room.

"Right here baby." Jack answers softly, rubbing my side. "Shhh, you're voice is already sore."

"Did I black out again?" I ask now, rolling around in his arms, burrowing into his chest.

"Yeah baby but it's ok. Did so good for me."

So I didn't know how to fucking end it. So here it is. Me being a hoe again because I couldn't get the scene of riding someone's face out of my head. Hope you all enjoyed! Peace and love, see you on the stupid side xx

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