Rye | After The Show

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*Y/N's POV*

Watching from up above, Harper sat next to me as the boys run around and jump on stage. Leaning against the railing, but just right so no fans could get a picture of me where I'm sat. I sigh dramatically as After The Show begins to play making Harper chuckle.

"Impatient are we?" Harper asks, rubbing my back in sympathy making me look toward him.

"I love watching him perform. But I forget how boring it gets after five shows of hearing their songs over and over along with a bunch of teenage fan girls fawning over my boyfriend." I state, turning back toward the stage. (Don't at me, I did hair and makeup for theatre and I got very sick of some of my favorite songs during that time period because I had to listen to them over and over)

When I zone back in the boys are doing their "oh no" dance. I swallow as Rye looks up, making direct eye contact as he thrusts his hips into the air. Shifting in my seat as my cheeks and body heat up.

"Boring huh?" Harper teases.

Reaching back I smack him, getting a small and dramatic "ow" in return. I giggle lightly, rolling my eyes as I concentrate again on my boy as he thrusts again. This time I can see him beginning to get hard. Thankful I just have a good eye for that, no fans seeming to notice the issue yet.

"Thank you London!" I hear the boys shout as they begin to exit the stage.

Harper and I standing up and making our way through the secret passageway to the green room. I can hear the boys in the distance yelling excitedly to each other. I head toward Rye, fully knowing he has to have a quick outfit change and then off to meet and great.

"Hi baby girl." I hear Rye's gravely voice as his arms wrap around my waist.

I shiver as he makes our bodies go flush together. Nuzzling into my neck and kissing softly. Andy making a gagging noise as he passes in front of us.

"Shut up Fowler!" I yell after him

"You both have 15 minutes! Make it quick!" Andy yells in return.

I squeak as Rye pushes me toward the furthest bathroom from the green room. Blushing immensely as Harper passes, sending a wink my way as Rye tugs me now into the bathroom.

"Seriously you couldn't just calm yourself down and go to meet and- oh." I whimper out at the end as Rye pushes me against the bathroom wall, intentionally rolling his hips into mine

Taking in a sharp breath as he does it harder, his prominent bulge pressing just right. Both of us shaking ourselves out of the haze we're in quickly pulling at each other's pants then tugging my shirt and sports bra off quickly. Not even having time to tug Rye's shirt off as he wets two of his fingers.

"Shit Rye." I grit out, trying my best to hold back my noise as he pushes them both into me.

"You're already so wet." Rye praises, kissing at my collar bones and neck.

"Looked so good on stage." I breathe.

Breath hitching as his thumb presses into my clit, rubbing vigorously. Gripping at his shirt on his shoulders, my head rolling back a bit. Hips pumping against his fingers. The feeling of his thick fingers inside me intensifying how wet I am for him.

"Tell me when you're close." Rye mumbles, continuing nibbling and sucking all along my neck.

My breathing is stuttered as my hips continuously twitching. Rye quickly getting my body worked up and ready to release. I whine, unable to keep the noises in anymore.

"I-I.." I whimper, almost tipping over the edge before Rye stops all movement, pulling his fingers out and away.

There's a knock on the door.

"Five minutes. Fuck her fast." We hear Andy's voice through the door and the receding footsteps.

I blush a crimson red, but lose all train of thought as Rye's tip runs along my center. Pushing it up against my clit teasingly.

"Want it?" Rye teases and I glare at him.

"We don't have ti..."

Rye lifts me against the wall, pushing into me all in one motion. The feeling of his member pushing into me makes my walls tighten around him and he grits his teeth, staving off his orgasm for me. The drag of his dick sending shivers up and down my spine as he begins a steady and quick rhythm.

"F-fuck Rye!" I whimper as the feeling builds.

It hurts, as he worked me up to the point of orgasm and then stopped. But now he's pushing past that point as his hips stutter, and I can feel him releasing inside of me. His last few thrusts rough. Pulling out slowly, the drag making me whimper. But not enough to push me over the edge. A knock on the door again.

"We need you in a minute Rye come on!" Andy yells through the door now.

Not being able to hold back a moan even though Andy's right on the other side of the door as Ryes' fingers push into me. Massaging my g-spot roughly, his other fingers rubbing my clit quickly.

"Come on, cum for me baby." Rye encourages as I moan his name much louder than intended.

Finally pushing me over the edge as I squirt, the liquid thankfully missing all of our clothes except the shirt on Rye's body as he works me through my orgasm.

"Good girl. Such a good girl." Rye praises as he slows his fingers to a stop, pulling out of me carefully.

"Fuck this is Andy's shirt." Rye mumbles.

"You did not..." Andy says from the other side of the door.

So this was slightly rushed but whatever. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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