Rye | Stubble

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*Y/N's POV*

"You should keep it like this." I say, sleepily running my fingers over his chin and jawline.

"You know I can't." Rye's voice mumbles back and I pout in the dark even though he can't see me.

"But the roadies obviously like it." I whine now, making rye chuckle.

"And apparently you really like it." He teases, rubbing my thigh that's draped across his waist.

I squirm under his soft touches, my leg unintentionally rubbing across his member making Rye let out a soft moan.

"And apparently you like the attention." I tease back, letting my leg rub against it again.

"Don't start something you can't finish baby girl."

I huff then turning from him.

"Oh come on don't be that way." Rye whines now, pulling me to him.

His lips trailing my what's bare of my shoulders, letting one of his hands travel to my pantie line and I squirm again under his touch.

"Lay back." Rye encourages softly, pushing me to lay on my back.

Letting my body relax against the sheets as Rye carefully settles himself between my legs. Softly running his free hand along my smooth thigh. My eyes slipping shut as I feel his lips against my cheek, then my neck as his stubble leaves a bit of a burning trail. A small moan slipping past my lips from the feeling as he continues down farther.

"Sit up a second baby." Rye mumbles, helping pull off my night shirt.

I stay quiet, letting Rye softly kiss his way down past my collar bone and between my breast's. One hand coming up to knead at one, my eyes falling shut from the sensation. I bite my lip, holding back a whimper as he shifts. The movement making my panties rub against my clit. But my legs try to close shut on instinct, clamping around Rye's torso.

"What do you want baby?" He asks softly, kissing the skin he can on my chest.

I can feel him discreetly swiveling his hips into the mattress.

"Want you to touch me." I say, blushing even with the innocence of the statement.


I can hear the smirk in his voice and I squirm, taking ahold of one of his hands, directing it slowly where I want it. Him having to move from his spot as I place his hand directly over my center.

"Fuck you're soaked." Rye groans, running his thumb along me.

My panties almost thoroughly wet. Adding pressure, Rye rubs my clit in slow circles.

"R-Rye." I gasp out now, breathing becoming uneven.

"Want my mouth baby? Bet you do. Bet you want to feel the burn of my stubble as I eat you out."

Leaving open mouthed kisses as he makes it to my pantie line, taking the soft material between his teeth. He pulls it away from my skin before letting it snap back down, making me let out a shocked gasp. Looking down as he tugs them off and down my legs, throwing them somewhere haphazardly. Taking me by my ankles he spreads my legs again, not giving me a chance to breath his mouth is on me.


The moans slipping out this time, not being able to stop them. The mixture of his tongue and lips playing with my clit, and the burn of his stubble against my thighs has me gripping to his hair quickly. Looking up at me through his eyelashes he watches me as he flattens his tongue running it roughly against my clit.

Not even being able to control my own body as my back arches, his stubble rubbing my thighs raw now as he changes the patterns of his tongue quickly. I can't catch my breath. And I can feel the heat pooling in my tummy. Rolling my hips against his face. But seconds before I reach my climax he stops.

"Fuck!" I yell out in frustration, but choke on a breath as Rye pushes his member into me quickly.

The feeling of him bare taking me by surprise. Already overstimulated from holding off an orgasm has tears rolling down my cheeks as he bucks his hips quickly.

"Shit shit shit shit!" My voice raises in pitch with every word as my orgasm reaches its peak,  Rye's hand shooting down to quickly rub against my clit.

Not being able to stop it as I squirt, the liquid going everywhere as Rye continues to thrust into me. My walls tightening around him as I scream his name. But he doesn't stop as my orgasm finishes, stimulating my clit until my body convulses, soaking myself and him again before he quickly pulls out.

"Fuck y/n, I'm gonna. Fuck. Goddamnit." Rye's moans escalate as his hand works quickly over his dick, coming everywhere.

My entire body is spent, and I can't move.

"Fuck baby. Maybe I should avoid shaving more often." Rye teases as he catches his breath. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

THIS DOES NOT MEAN TO NOT USE CONDOMS PLEASE DO!!! Sometimes I'm too lazy to write them in, sometimes I'm in the mood to NOT write them in. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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