Randy | In the Kitchen

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What is editing anymore?

*Y/N's POV*

Being friends with Roadtrip was a mess. Let alone getting called a slut, and honestly for good reason as I was passed between Rye and Andy frequently.

"Baby?" I hear Andy call out, making me look up from the book I was reading on the couch.

He was either calling for Rye or for me. But Rye wasn't home. Andy's face lighting up as he sees me sprawled across the couch with one of Rye's books in my hand. In just my sport shorts and one of Rye's hoodies.

"Wanna help me make dinner?" He asks, pulling me in for a soft kiss.

I hum in response against his lips. Fingertips delicately running up my sides underneath the hoodie that I had on. Breaking apart for air. Andy's face nuzzling into my neck not so innocently as he nips the skin softly.

"Thought we were gonna make dinner." I tease, taking in a sharp breath as he begins to suck.

Knowing just how to make me practically melt under his touch. Hands instinctively gripping to his hoodie as a heat begins to stir in my tummy. Frustrated already knowing that I was wet. Andy being the tease he is, separating and walking toward the kitchen.

"Fowler!" I about growl, following after him.

I don't even have to see his face to know he's smirking.

"Fuck you." I grit, grabbing the pans needed for the recipe he has out.

"Rather fuck you." He about whispers.

"Excuse me what was that?" I turn to look at him as he looks through the fridge for what we need.

"Oh nothing. Baby girl."

My entire body flushes. Andy knowing exactly what he was doing when he said that. Knowing exactly how I react. Quickly adjusting my shorts, already wet and annoying feeling. Continuing to mumble profanities under my breath as I begin to pull ingredients to set next to the pan.

"I- Fovvs what are you.." I whimper out.

Shocked as his hand meets my center overtop is my shorts. Rubbing in slow circles.

"Shhh, just enjoy it." He hums into my ear, nipping at the lobe.

"B-but dinner." I try my best to keep my voice from wavering.

Hands gripping to the stove in front of me now. Thankfully nothing have been turned on. All except me.

"Can wait. Just for you, me, and Rye." He adds the last part slightly quieter.

"Thought he was- oh fuck- thought he was out for the night? Shit And."

My legs weakening as he pushes my shorts to the side. A thick finger slowly sliding into me. Head dropping back onto his shoulder as I hear the front door slam and keys being hung up. Trying my hardest to squirm out of his grip, worried that whoever just got home would come into the kitchen. Whining as Andy pushed a second finger into me instead of just letting me go.

"Mmm, how are my two favorite people." I hear Rye's voice.

I can hear the smirk on his lips. Not being able to hold in the noises any longer as I whine. Trying to grip to anything to keep my balance.

"Oh is our baby wet?" The brunette teases as he reaches us.

"Like you fucking planned this or something- oh fuck Andy faster." I beg.

"Mmm, no. I think Andy needs to stop." Rye says in a sarcastic sweet tone.

I'm almost begging Andy to not stop as he slips his fingers out of me, but I stay quiet. Knowing I could probably get more than I intended to have. Turning my head to watch Rye and Andy's mouths mold together. Tongues swirling around each others as Andy's hand roams down to Rye's dick, rubbing firmly. I pout as they separate, getting an eye roll from both of them.

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