Jack | Let's Play A Game

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HUGE TRIGGER WARNING PLEASE READ: This has to do with knife play, more commonly known as edge play. Now this can be triggering in many different ways, as the knife is used to cut. So please do not read if you believe this has even the slightest chance of triggering you!

*Y/N's POV*

"J-Jack I'm sorry." I stumble over my words, backing up toward the now empty kitchen.

Everyone had left not long ago per Jack's request. Not thinking much about it I had shamelessly flirted with Brook earlier in the evening. Leaving a pissed off Jack no other choice.

"That is not my name baby girl." He taunts now, cornering me to the kitchen counter.

I go silent now, just letting him take hold of my body. Taking in a sharp breath as he turns me around against the counter. Taking both of my hands in one of his, pinning them behind my back. The position I'm in making me well aware of my outfit. My sport shorts and one of jacks plaid button ups completely unbuttoned with a white tank underneath.

Jack's other hand coming up and brushing my hair all to the other shoulder. His lips meeting my neck softly. He back's away but pulls me with him before pushing me toward the other side of the house where his room is. No words being spoke as he cuffs me, the door behind us shut and locked.

"Daddy I..." I begin, only to be cut off.

"No. Rule number ten is being reintroduced. No speaking unless spoken to." Jack hisses, taking hold of my chin.

I nod my head as best I can before he lets me go, walking to the other side of the room. I watch as he covers the bed. My eyes widening as I notice what he was covering the bed with. We hadn't done this in months.

"Come here." Jack speaks and I'm frozen in place.

"Hey we don't have to do this. We can choose another punishment baby. You know that." Jack says softly as he makes his way to me. "You can speak."

"N-no I want to do this. We haven't done this since before you guys moved out of the flat." I say softly.

Jack nods now, pulling me with him and setting me on the bed.

"Now I'm going to take you out of your cuffs. Only to strip you. But then you're getting cuffed to the bed."

I stay quiet, knowing he wasn't expecting a reply as he unlocks the cuffs, rubbing them softly before pulling his shirt off of me, along with the white tank underneath. I can see him biting his lip, eyes searching my exposed skin. Fingers hooking into my shorts and pulling them down.

"No panties I see." Jack mumbles as my shorts hit the floor.

I gulp, taking a shuddered breath. Jack slowly helping me lay on the bed. Arms quickly being cuffed and I lay there quietly. Keeping my eyes trained on the ceiling as I hear him messing in the drawer next to him. The sound of metal making me jump lightly. Turning my head to the side slightly. The glint of the knife shining as he sharpens it.

"Let's play a game."

I shiver as the heel of the knife softly goes across my tummy. I try my best to keep my body calm, knowing one wrong move could be deadly- literally. Tilting the knife to its edge, barely even grazing the skin as he pulls it across. Hissing out at the sensation as the first one always burns the most.

"Good girl." Jack praises, leaning down and cleaning the small wound with his mouth.

I look down toward him now, seeing how aroused this is making him. The grip on his knife showing me how much he is holding back. I let my eyes close in bliss as his tongue swipes over me one more time. The cold metal making my legs tense as it rests against my tummy again, slowly sliding across. This time a small moan escaping my lips, and I quickly bite down to hold any more noises back. My arousal becoming more and more evident as my skin heats up, my breath ragged.

"It's alright. I wanna hear your noises." Jack encourages before licking across my tummy.

I squirm under his hold as he presses the blade to my skin again. But it takes everything in me to not jolt as one of Jack's fingers slowly slides into me as the blade glides across my skin.

"Daddy!" I whine, straining against my cuffs.

"That's it. Good girl. All done with your punishment." Jack soothes, cleaning his knife and tossing it to the bedside table as he works his finger steadily in and out of me.

My legs squirm freely now as he works me up to two fingers, and I can feel how wet I am around his fingers.

"What do you want?" Jack asks softly now, rubbing at my hip with his free hand.

"Y-you. Want you." I gasp out as his thumb presses down against my clit before all pressure disappears.

Whining, but it's cut short as I feel my arms being release from their bonds. Hearing the rip of a foil packet and the light thud of clothes hitting the floor. When Jack comes back into view his hand is stroking his member. Crawling up between his legs as I pull him in for a kiss. It's soft and slow. So gentle compared to what happened only moments ago.

"What do you want?" I can hear the smirk in his voice and it makes me what to hit him.

"This?" He taunts, kissing trailing the expanse of my neck.

I can feel as he lightly nibbles, sucking harshly when I let out a soft moan. Sure to leave a bruise I was bound to have to cover. Let alone I wouldn't be able to wear any of my crop tops for days until I healed.

"No!" I whine.

Getting restless I grip his hair.

"This?" He taunts further, letting our fronts grind together.

I whimper now, the stimulation on my clit working wonders but not what I truly what.

"Daddy please!" I beg now, letting myself completely submit.

Jack reaches down, teasing the head of his dick along my entrance and clit before slowly sliding in. Taking in a sharp breath as I feel him slowly sinking in.

"So fucking wet baby girl." He groans. "So fucking tight for me."

Yelping as he roughly pushes the rest of the way in, not giving me any time to adjust.

"Who do you belong to?" He growls out the words so unexpectedly as he continues to roughly fuck into me.

"You daddy you!" I cry out, scratching roughly down his back.

My airway cut off partially as Jack's hand wraps around it. Already dizzy with the attention, his hand making it worse as the pressure in my tummy builds. My eyes rolling back in ecstasy, legs trembling. Gasping and choking on air as he pulls away and pulls out abruptly. Taking me by my hips and spinning me, tugging me up to the kneeling position before he pushes back in roughly.

"Don't you ever disobey me like that again. You do not flirt with the other boys. Especially Brooklyn." Jack growls now, his hand coming down harshly onto my ass.


My entire body spent as my orgasm crashes through me. Jack pushing me more into the mattress, groaning as his hips begin to stutter.

"Please." I beg.

Jack pushing as deep as possible, grinding out his orgasm. Always one to cum silently. I can hear him reaching for something, a wet and cold cloth soothing over my skin and cleaning me. Carefully he turns me over, cleaning the cuts. Not having to bandage any as they were not deep enough. Helping me set up he throws one of his shirts onto my body, climbing into a pair of joggers himself before tangling our limbs together.

"You alright baby?" Jack asks softly.

"Mhm." I hum out, nuzzling into him.

Pressing a kiss softly over his heart. Slowly making my way up to his lips.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" He asks now, a worried look on his face.

I almost laugh, but don't because I don't want to upset him.

"No baby. It felt amazing." I reassure the boy next to me.

Sooooo I need jesus. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side xx

Y/N Roadtrip One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now