Rye | Let Me In

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A few ideas pulled from one of ryessoul on instagram! Go check them out!

*Y/N's POV*

"Please!" Jack whines, sat across from me at the cafe. 

"How many times do I have to tell you no Jack? The last thing I want is to spend an entire week with a ton of boys in a house." I breathe out.

"Come on please sis!"

I roll my eyes, taking another drink of my soda. And that's how he managed to drag me and my suitcases to the doorstep of their mansion.

"Better fucking have a place for me to sleep away from all of them." I grumble before the door is opened.

"Princess!" Brook exclaims, practically tackling me in a hug as I roll my eyes from the nickname.

"Hey Gibbo." I giggle then squeal as he spins me around.

"Hey love." Andy says softly, pulling me into a light hug after Brook sets me down.

"And." I whisper, nuzzling his neck.

But about punch the living daylights out of Rye as he comes up.

"Sup baby girl. You've grown up since we last saw you." I watch as his eyes trace my body and I fight the urge to glare at him.

Refusing to even touch him I turned toward Sonny.

"You must be Sonny." I say holding my hand out, but flush when he pulls me into a hug.

"The boys never stop talking about you." Sonny says, both of us laughing lightly.


"Does she not like Rye or something?" I could hear Sonny and Jack talking in the next room.

"Quite the opposite actually. He's just really douchey sometimes and doesn't know how to handle it. They like each other a lot actually." I hear Jack admit as I lean against the doorframe just out of sight.

"Doesn't that bother you? Her being your older sister and all?"

"I mean, I'd much rather her find someone outside of my best friends and coworkers. But if they could get over their differences and just admit they like each other and that made her happy then I'll get over it and be happy for them."

I sigh at this, knowing that when I first started coming over I had a huge crush on Rye. And it had never really stopped. But I didn't want to upset Jack so I started pushing Rye away even though we were close.

"Hey." A voice whispers, covering my mouth the stop me from screaming.

Visibly deflating when I turn to see Rye. Relaxing underneath his touch as he moves his hand from covering my mouth to unconsciously stroking my cheek. I lean in to it, missing this kind of contact with him.

Eyes widening with shock when Rye's lips unexpectedly meet mine, but slowly falling shut as my hands reach up to hold him. Our lips softly brushing against each other. Feeling a smile on his lips before pulling away and nuzzling noses with me. Eyes fluttering open as he pulls me toward his room and away from Jack and Sonny.

No words being said as Rye's hands find their way to my body again. Our lips meeting a bit more feverishly now, only parting to pull our shirts off.

"Rye!" I squeak out as he picks me up, wrapping my arms around his neck quickly to keep from falling.

Laying me softly onto his bed. Feeling his eyes trailing me but I can't get myself to look in his eyes. Shivering as his hands trail up my sides.

"You ok with this?" He asks, making me finally look to him.

Y/N Roadtrip One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now