I Don't Know What The Fuck To Title This... Have Fun? | Randy

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*Y/N's POV*

Setting down beside Andy on the couch, yawning as I cuddle up onto his lap.

"Hi baby." He mumbles sleepily, playing with my hair. "Rye not home yet?"

I shake my head in response. Laying quietly until Andy is more awake.

"How was your day at work?" Andy asks softly, running his fingers through my hair.

I bite my lip now, nervous for how he would react if I told him what truly happened. How a guy tried to hit on me as I was putting new books up on the shelves to sell. How Rye had showed up to surprise me. But instead practically choking the guy out and then leaving angrily and not letting me explain.

"Baby?" Andy's concerned voice asks now.

"I don't want to talk about it." I mumble, going to get up.

But gasp as Rye shows up in the doorway of his room. Shutting it and locking it behind him to avoid any of the other boys accidentally walking in on us.

"Rye, I..." I try to say.

"Don't. On the bed. Strip." Rye practically growls and I look to Andy with wide eyes.

Andy's face confused as it flicks back and forth between Rye and I. Having not yet been involved between Rye and I. Always switching every week. One week was Rye's then the next week Andy's.

I follow orders once I notice Rye isn't fucking around. Head down as I scurry toward the bed. Tugging off piece by piece of clothing and folding them before setting them on the bedside table. Leaving my panties, knowing Rye enjoys taking them off himself. Crawling onto the bed and settling onto my knees, eyes trained to the duvet.

"What did she do?" Andy asks softly, making me cast my eyes toward them discreetly so that Rye doesn't get angry.

I see Andy's fingers rubbing at his shoulders, neck, and head trying to ease the tension. Rye's hands slipping up Andy's shirt. Their lips meeting softly before Rye sighs.

"I caught someone flirting with her while she was at work and saw that she didn't get upset about it." Rye says, and I hold back the words I want to say.

"Remember she can't control that Rye. She's supposed to be nice to the customers no matter what." Andy soothes and I sigh softly.

"She still needs to be taught who she belongs to. Us." Rye states firmly.

I drop my eyes quickly as Rye turns to look at me, still in Andy's embrace hearing him let out a sigh. Another soft kiss being exchanged between them before I hear two sets of footsteps coming my way. A gentle hand cupping underneath my chin to make me look up.

"What rules did you break today?" Rye asks softly.

Andy's fingers traveling through my hair to keep me calm.

"L-letting someone flirt with me." I stutter out, trying to not shrink back away from both of them.

"Hands and knees." Rye murmurs, kissing me softly before letting me go.

Shakily I follow orders, trying my best to stay still as I feel both boys hands traveling over me. Not being able to help it as the ache in my tummy grows. Whimpering as one of their fingers grazes over my center, but disappearing so quickly it's like they weren't even there.

"Twenty for today. Ten each." Rye says as he tugs down my panties just below my ass.

I shiver at the feeling of the cold air. Andy coming into view but not touching. The only thing ever touching me during punishments are their hands on my ass. Trying my best not to squirm as time passes with nothing happening, slowly beginning to relax. But as soon as my head drops is when the first firm palm meets flesh and I yelp. Unexpected yet sending jolts of pleasure through my body.

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