Procrastination Is Key 🌵

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*Y/N's POV*

I could tell he was lost in his thoughts when the character on the screen stopped moving. Looking up from the laptop on my lap, watching his tongue run over his bottom lip. The slight twitch to his eyebrow, holding back a smirk. But the tongue swiping over his teeth had me taking my bottom lip between my own.

"What's on your mind there Fowler?" I ask as I close my laptop.

Uncrossing my legs, letting them dangle to the floor before I get up. Andy's eyes are on me now, seeming to have forgotten I was even in the same room as him.

"Don't you have an assignment to finish?" He asks, finally pulling himself out of his daze as he nods toward the abandoned laptop on his desk.

Kneeling on the bed in front of him, resting down against my crossed ankles. Letting Andy's eyes travel me. Suddenly conscious that I was wearing his joggers and a sports bra.

"I can finish it later." I say casually, shrugging my shoulders.

"But it's due tonight." Andy tries to protest as I start to crawl up the bed and into his lap.

His body reacting the complete opposite of what's coming out of his mouth. Hands dropping to my waist, nose brushing up against mine with a soft smile as his crystal blues search my face.

"Procrastination is key." I tease, burying my face in his neck as I nip along the exposed skin.

A sigh passing through his lips softly. One of his hands slipping up and into my hair, pulling me to his lips. Tongue immediately skimming along my lips asking for entrance. But I pull away biting my lip.

"Whats on your mind?" I ask again, softly pushing him till he's laying against the sheets.

Hands tracing my tummy, eyes slowly sliding up my frame till they lock with mine.

"Just thinking about you." Andy says, and I lean down nudging noses with him.

"Mhm. And?"

"Me, crawling up between your legs. Kissing up your tummy. Helping take off your bra."


"Massaging your chest. Pinching and biting at your nipples until your breathing is ragged."

I can't help it as my hips begin to rock. Feeling as my core begins to throb. Being met with Andy's hardened member. His words having an affect on him as well.

"Tell me more."

"I'd kiss back down your tummy. Tug off your joggers, and then slowly pull your panties down with my teeth."

I smirk at that, kissing him softly before pulling back. Being met with a whine from the boy beneath me. I lean down, nosing up against his ear.

"Don't have any panties on."

Gasping as Andy rolls us. Legs falling pliantly to the side as he settles down against me.

"Been a while." Andy mumbles against my skin.

Tongue poking out and running along my neck to my collarbones. Biting and sucking at the skin before pulling back and blowing cold air against it. A smirk on his face as he looks down at his handiwork.

"School takes up so much time." I groan, letting out a frustrated sigh as I drop an arm across my face.

"Hey." Andy coaxes my arm away from my face, making me look up at him. "Let me take care of you. Get you all relaxed before you get back to that paper ok?"

I nod, tears prickling at my eyes, taking a shaky breath as he helps me out of my sports bra.

"Just breath baby. How about you lay on your tummy for me?" Andy suggests, as his hands unconsciously massage at my chest.

I comply, then lifting my hips as he pulls his joggers off of my body. Feeling as a rush of cold air runs over my heated skin. Listening to him going through his drawers. Gasping slightly as I feel a chilly liquid run from the top of my back all the way down. Andy's bare body settling down against my thighs. Letting myself sink into the sheets as he begins to massage at my shoulders. Knowing both of us are aroused already he doesn't take it as slowly to make us aroused.

Moans soon to be tumbling from my lips as his thumb presses repeated circles into my clit. Andy's legs now between mine instead of resting over them. Not being able to help myself as I slowly rock back against him, whining into the pillow below me. I could practically feel my slick covering Andy's fingers.

"That's it baby. Let go." Andy soothes.

Beginning to tremble as he pushes two fingers past my entrance. Having not been filled with anything for a couple of weeks my walls clench around them immediately. Hypersensitive, I can feel the entirety of his calloused fingers. Body relaxing against the sheets as I spasm around him, clutching the pillow beneath me.

"Fh-uck A-Andy oh my god." I whimper.

The orgasm being almost a whole body experience. Head dizzy, but body sated as Andy rolls me back to my back.

"You ok?" He asks.

Meaning if he could push into me without overdoing my body. Already sensitive from releasing for the first time in a while.

"Give me a second." I breath, trying my best to catch my breath.

I nod now, eyes closed to let myself just give into the sensation. Andy running his tip slowly along my opening and my clit. Lips capturing mine before his cock slowly sinks into me. The stretch far larger than his fingers. But a much better feeling. Groaning into his mouth as he begins to pump his hips. Our lips separating as he balances himself better.

"You're so fucking wet." Andy grits, hitching my leg over his hip for a better angle.

"Shit that's deep." I gasp, having to close my eyes to stop them from rolling so much.

Andy keeping the movements slow and deep. Making me feel every movement. Mouth on my neck, soft open mouthed kisses being trailed all over.

"Fovvs- shit I'm- please. Oh my god please. D-don't stop. Fucking don't stop." I beg as my climax builds so quickly.

Not sure what feeling is taking over. Whether it be pleasure or pain as the stimulation becomes to much as I peak. Releasing so hard you can hear as he fights to continue penetrating me as I squirt. Andy having to cover my mouth to stop my screams from reaching the ears of the other boys in the house.

"Shhh, shhh, so good for me baby." Andy soothes, carefully pulling out. "Wanna open your mouth for me baby?"

I comply, humming as I feel the weight of his cock on my tongue. Carefully thrusting. Swallowing around him as much as possible, feeling him twitch. Whining when he pulls out abruptly, releasing over my lips and in my mouth.

"Shit, shit, shit." Andy croaks, fucking out his orgasm through his hand.

Reaching to grab something to help me wipe m face off. Kissing me softly.

"You alright?"

I blink slowly, with a small smile on my lips.

"I take that as a yes. I'm gonna get you some water and your laptop. Do you need help to clean up?" He asks softly, rubbing my hips.

"I've got it. Thank you baby."

Rushed and half assed ending but I'm tired and wanted to post this tonight before I slept. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x -b

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