Sonny | Get On

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*Y/N's POV*

"He what?" I hissed under my breath, eyes wide.

"Sonny got another motorcycle." Andy says, shoving his phone toward me this time.

We were standing in the kitchen. Rye, Brook, and Jack sat around the table playing gold fish for some ungodly reason, but very loudly. I sigh, rubbing one of my temples as I look at the beautiful machine on the screen.

"He told me he had one a long time before just hadn't had one since." I mumble out, trying to keep my thoughts focused on the fact that my boyfriend bought the bike.

"He said you always gush about bikers." Andy teases.

"Oh fuck off Fovvs." I whine, blushing bright red.

"I wonder why." Andy teases further, making me shove his phone back at him.

"We're totally not having this conversation." I huff, crossing my arms.

Catching Rye sending a smirk our way. The little shit probably knowing exactly what was being said between Fovvs and I. The blonde never being able to keep his mouth shut, especially with his boyfriend.

"Oh come on. I can feel your body beating up."  

I take a quick step away, trying to not let my body flush.

"I said we aren't having this conv...."

"Sonny! You're back!" I jump at Rye's exclamation along with my boyfriends arms sneaking around my waist.

"Hi baby." Sonny whispers, quickly pecking my neck a few times.

Blush tinting my cheeks again, turning to hide my face in his chest.

"So did you get it?" I can hear the smirk in Rye's voice.

"Yeah, bro it's sick!" Sonny starts to gush and then looks down at me. "I may or may not have a surprise waiting for you in the driveway."

He bites his lip and I can tell he's nervous. Not getting a word in edgewise as Andy pushes us toward the front door. Sonny slipping his fingers casually through mine as we walk outside and around the other vehicles.

"Don't be mad yeah? I won't ride it often." Sonny mumbles now and I look up to him.

"Ryan. I'm not going to be mad about something you buy. I don't control your money. And I'm sure it was something you've wanted." I say, not hinting toward the fact that I know exactly what beast he was about to show me.

"I got a motorcycle again. I knew you constantly talked about me getting a new one so- I did." Sonny says, as we walk into view of the beautiful machine.

My eyes widen and I can't help the gasp that escapes my mouth at the sight of it.

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