Switching Lanes | Harper

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*Y/N's POV*

Sprawled out on the bed in the spare bedroom. The rest of the house was pretty quiet, except for some light chatter and a couple TV's playing movies. I relax against the sheets, lip between my teeth as the picture of Rye invades my mind. I knew I shouldn't be thinking of him, not in this way at least. He was my brother's best friend. More than that sometimes. But what harm could come with just thinking about it?

With that I let my hand slide down my tummy teasingly. Thinking of the things Rye's fingers and mouth alone could do to me as I make slow circles on my clit over my panties. Toes curling lightly at the sensation before I decide to pull the panties off. Holding my breath for a few seconds to see if I hear anything before I let my legs fall open.

Fingers playing along my clit again as I imagine them being Rye's. Slipping one into my opening, holding back a groan. A gasp falling from my lips as I build a steady rhythm, slipping in a second finger before pushing them up toward my g-spot. The image of Harper flashing over top of me, now shortened hair falling across his face, his fingers pressing into me makes my eyes fly open. Immediately pulling my fingers out in shock.

"What the fuck?" I say to myself, having never thought of him in that sort of way before.

That fucking hair cut. Letting my hand fall to my side in frustration, deciding to instead get up and use the restroom quick. Throwing on a pair of shorts and doing just that.

"Could you put some clothes on sis?" I hear Andy complain as I make my way into the kitchen after using the toilet.

"It only seems to bother you." I point out, hearing a snort from Rye at the table.

Bending down to grab an apple from the lower shelf of the fridge.

"Don't mind me, just grabbing a drink." I hear Harper's voice next to me.

His hand slowly sliding along my bare back to make sure I didn't run into him. So much for that as I jump, smacking my head on the fridge.

"Ow fuck!" I hiss, holding my head.

"I'm so sorry I didn't think I'd scare you that much!" Harper panics, pulling my hands away to check my head.

I flinch back, a frown etching across Harper's face. And with that I quickly make my way around him, making my way toward the stairwell. Feeling Rye's eyes on me but ignoring the fact that I no longer got any feeling from him. Opening Andy's wardrobe when I get into his room hearing a whiny 'Hey' from him as I take a shirt and put it on.

"Shut it Spegs." I say, flopping down on his bed as I take a bite of the apple in my hand.

"So what was up with that downstairs?" Andy asks, and I look toward him with a warning look. "What? I've never seen you react to Harper that way. Rye on the other hand all the time. But I guess that's what happens when my little sis has a crush."

"You seriously need to shut the fuck up before I go get a pair of Brooklyn's dirty socks and shove them in your mouth."

"First of all, disgusting. I need to bleach my brain to get rid of that memory. And come on, just tell me. It's not like your crush on Rye has bothered me."

"Yes it does."

"Just because he's my best friend and the fact that you know about my past with him."

I grimace at the thought of what's happened between them, having never really thought of it as a barrier. Just having always found Rye very attractive, I pushed back Andy's past with him to the back of my head.

"You can have him still honestly." I state, surprising us both as Andy looks at me weird.

It's silent for a couple minutes, Andy deciding to scroll through Netflix before he turns to me. His mouth dropped open in shock.

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