Brooklyn | T-Shirt

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*Y/N's POV*

"Hey baby." I hear a voice call out as the bell of the café door rings.

I whip my head up, a smile slipping across my lips.

"Brook." I speak up, biting my lip shyly. "Your usual?"

"Mmmm, yeah that's fine. What you up to tonight?" Brook asks, licking his bottom lip.

"Nothing Brook." I state, rolling my eyes slightly as I continue making his drink.

"Come over?"

"Here's your drink, Brook. Have a nice night." I give him a look before turning to the next customer.


"I didn't think you were coming." Brook says, a smile creeping up on his face as I make my way out of the back room to set down next to him on the patio off to the side of the pool.

I choose to stay quiet as I lean into him, watching as the other boys kick a ball around in the back yard. Brook's arm wrapping around my waist.

"Wanna go upstairs?" Brook asks softly, looking down at me with almost pleading eyes.

"I don't think so mister." I laugh, making him pout at me.

That didn't last as long as I thought it would as my back hits the bed sheets. Brook shuffling up between my legs.

"We've gotta quit doing this." I sigh before pulling him down by the front of his shirt.

Our lips meet roughly, Brook's hand running up and down my exposed thigh. My fingers threading through his hair as he pulls away to kiss down my jawline and down my neck. His hands tracing up and under my dress, pushing it up past my bellybutton. Taking in a sharp breath as his lips lightly skim my tummy as he looks up at me from under his lashes.

"You okay?" He whispers, his lips lightly brushing me making me squirm.

I nod, choosing to not answer verbally as he starts to trail open mouthed kisses downward. Tongue tracing patterns as he goes.

"Sit up baby."

I do so, lifting my arms as Brook tugs the dress off, letting it pool to the floor. I lay back, trying my best to not be self conscious around him as he tugs his t-shirt off. Watching his eyes trail up my body, his hands slowly following my curves before reaching behind my back and unclasping my bra. Biting my lip to hold back a noise as he pulls it the rest of the way off, dropping it near my dress.

"What do you need baby?" Brook mumbles, his body now towering over mine.

The blondes lips skimming over mine, and his nose brushing against mine. The heat of him overtop of me has me gasping in air. A knock on the door pulls us out of our intense moment.

"God." Brook hisses under his breath then yells out. "What?"

"Keep it down!" Andy's teasing voice yells out and then we hear some laughing.

Brook rolls his eyes before letting his hips roll down into mine unexpectedly. A moan tumbling through my lips. Going bright red as I know the other boys can now hear us, but Brook seems to not care as he begins to travel down my exposed chest all the way to my panties. Taking them by his teeth as he begins tugging them down my smooth legs.

"Off." I state, looking straight at his very tented shorts.

Already knowing he didn't have boxers on. He never did. As soon as he's placed his body over mine again I push him off.

"Hey!" He whines, but stops as I climb overtop of him.

Leaning down for a kiss as his hands travel down my back to grip my ass roughly. Setting back up on my knees I carefully reposition myself facing away from him. Whimpering slightly when I feel him grip my ass roughly before tugging me closer to him. Blowing hot air up toward my core before his tongue meets my clit. Pushing a finger into me carefully.

Taking his dick into my mouth, muffling the noises that are coming out of my lips. Swirling my tongue around the tip till he's shifting underneath me, trying to get me to take more. Hollowing my cheeks out I begin bobbing my head, letting my hand stroke the rest. Gagging as he begins to carefully buck up. Popping off, trails of saliva still connecting between my mouth and his dick.

"Wanna ride me baby?" Brook asks, kissing my thighs.

I whimper in response as he helps me back into the position of straddling his waist.

"Think you can take it princess?"

He's smirking now as he taps his dick against me. Slowly I shuffle to above him as he teases the head of his cock along my clit and my core making my entire body shudder.

"Want it?" He continues his teasing, not allowing me to move and sink down onto him.

"Please." I almost whimper out, not being able to stop myself anymore.

Gasping as blonde pulls me forward, helping me slowly sink down on him.

"Shit baby you're tight." Brook groans, swiveling his hips slightly.

The movement has me involuntarily clenching around him from all the teasing he's done before this. Catching myself with my hands as I fall forward, letting Brook carefully rock up into me as my thighs shake.

"Daddy please." I whine out now, the rolls switching quickly as Brook flips us.

My back hitting the sheets and gripping to the pillow as Brook waists no time letting me have it. The sound of skin slapping almost echoing around the room. I can feel the sheen of sweat on Brook's body as I grip to him. Animalistic grunts and groans emitting from his lips. Practically sounding like music while it mixes with my whines and moans.

"Such a fucking tease earlier. Refusing me in public like that. But then coming here anyways just so I can fuck you. What a bad girl."

Brook begins to nip and suck at my neck, heat beginning to pool in my tummy. His thrusts going from quick to slow and rough, practically pushing me up the bed. Having to put my arm between me and the headboard as I cry out, my back arching into his body. Our sweat making our movements easier. Brooks' hand coming up to restrict my airway is the last movement I need as my orgasm rips through me, throbbing violently from the intensity.

"Fuck baby!" Brook grits.

Thrusts becoming rougher and quicker as I watch his abs tightening. Practically crying from the overstimulation as he looses control. Feeling his seed release inside me as he releases my neck.

"Daddy!" I whimper out, gasping for air as he pulls out.

Feeling his cum drip out of me. His fingers coming up to wipe it up, letting me suck them into my mouth and cleaning them entirely.


"That shirt looks familiar." Andy says just loud enough for most of the people in the kitchen to hear.

I reach over smacking him hard on the chest. Pouting as he laughs and walks away. Brook making his way to me, nuzzling into my neck. His hands slipping up and underneath the plaid button up that I have on. Kissing me softly as his hands roam my tummy.

"You look good in my t-shirt."

I'm- fuck I need a lot of Jesus. Also, I don't condone no condom use. Please don't be that dumb. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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