Chapter Ten - Overruled

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"I'm sorry but no. I refuse." I told Mycroft.

"Look, I didn't want to have to tell you this. James is being threatened."

"Really? James is a criminal mastermind. No one can hurt him."

"But you can." He told me sternly.

"What has this got to do with the bloody CIA?!"

"It has everything to do with the CIA. If you leave him, tell him you don't love him, he'd be an easy target for your stalker. As soon as your stalker realizes that your gone he will go to James and he may threaten him in person. Then we'd find out who it is."

"No! I'm not lying to James. I could never do that to him."

There was a long silence on the phone. Then Mycroft sighed. "Do you want to know what what on a letter we received yesterday?"

"Go on then."

"Give me the girl or her boyfriend will be no more."

"Why do you care about James' safety?" I asked, trying not to be phases by what he had just told me.

"We don't. If we ignored the letter he could kill James and you'd be vulnerable. Your stalker isn't good news Charlotte! They will kill any chance that they get. They stated that in this letter!" His temper had risen and quite frankly I was scared of my angry brother.

"If I leave he'd still try and get to James!" I argued.

"If you stay as soon as he goes to find James he will see you there and take you instead and then we'd lose you." He said this calmly, trying to get me to understand.

"We will be watching James' every move to ensure he is safe." Mycroft was really winning the argument here.

James walked into the room again and went through some files on his desk. I immediately removed myself from his view and walked into the corridor.

"You promise?" I asked giving in.

"I promise. Your flight leaves at 6.00pm. Be there 5:30 sharp. We have an escort for you, to ensure your safe." Mycroft explained. He sounded upset. Almost like this was the last option and it hurt to do this to me.

"Okay. I'll sort things out." I said, my voice shaking. With that Mycroft hung up and by now I was near the balcony. I opened the door and stepped outside. The air was cool and it was an Autumn day. I sighed leaning over the balcony as far as I could. Letting the wind push against me I realized how hurt James would be about all of this. Realizing how much I'd hurt him. If I didn't go none of this would be sorted out and wed be living in threat the rest of our lives.

I knew I had to do it, even if it killed me.

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