Chapter Three

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Max and Nikki jogged up the hill. They were somewhere in the woods, they didnt know. It had been a week since Max had found out about Aqua. It had been exhausting. Aqua was a handful. He always got into trouble, and was very fussy with everyone. Well except Max, Nikki, Neil and for some reason Space Kid. I guess Aqua could sense Neil was lying about SK killing his sibling, but loved him anyway. But yeah, Max was worn out now that his life revolved around this platypus. But Nikki was grateful for the help, and Max got to spend more time with her. Max was starting to develop a feeling for her, but he couldn't identify it for some reason. But he just shrugged it off and moved on.
They were letting Neil babysit for the first time, just to give them a break. They decided to go out on a adventure hike into the woods, and so far they were having a blast. Max looked at Nikki, worried. "Do you think Aqua is okay?", he asked. Nikki sighed. "I'm sure he's fine, Max. Neil is taking good care of him, don't be so protective.". "I'm not protective!". "Suuuurrre.", Nikki said. She gasped and pointed into the distance. "I think I see something, let's go!". She grabbed Max's wrist and ran off.
Neil cradled Aqua in his hands. He smiled. He had never gotten to hold him, so he was inhaling the moment. "Heya Neil!". Neil jolted up and looked behind him. It was Space Kid, smiling and waving. Neil grunted and rolled his eyes. "What do you want?", he asked, annoyed. Space Kid continued smiling, they hadn't talked since Neil's lashed out on him in the mess hall. "I don't know what I did wrong,but I wanted to apologize.". Neil bit his lip. Space Kid was so nice, it was hard to hate him. But he did, he will hate SK if it's the last thing he does. Neil winced, speechless. Space Kid smiled. "Here, I can hold him for you-". Space Kid reached over and tried to grab Aqua. Neil grabbed his hand and shoved it away. He held Aqua high and out of reach, making the platypus whimper with fear. Space Kid backed away a few steps. "Oh no you dont!", Neil said. He set Aqua down in the rock he was sitting on. Neil got real close to SK's face. "You do NOT touch him! You are just gonna break it and-". "He's gone.", Space Kid said. Neil was confused, he turned around. Aqua was nowhere to be seen. Panic rushed through Neil's veins. "Oh no! This cannot be happening!", he said. The panic quickly turned to anger.
Neil turned to Space Kid. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!", he yelled. Space Kid's eyes filled with tears as he ran away. Neil huffed and clenched his fists. He sighed and calmed down. He had to find Aqua. Not only will Max and Nikki kill him and never talk to him again, but Aqua was Neil's friend. Neil didn't want to see him die, he cared about Aqua. He walked around searching the ground. "AQUA! COME OUT! IM SORRY!", he yelled.
Max and Nikki emerged from the woods. They had spent hours in the woods, just goofing off. It was fun, but they couldn't wait to see Aqua again. Nikki laughed. "Let's go find Neil, I miss Aqua!", she said. They ran into the mess hall. They were greeted with the whole camp running around in panic, searching. Max looked confused. "What's going on here?", he asked. Everyone froze. David forced a smile. "Oh hi Max, we were just-". Max looked around the room and spotted Neil. Aqua was nowhere in sight. "Where's Aqua?", he asked. David nervously laughed. "Well um...". "NEIL LOST HIM!", Nurf yelled, pointing at Neil. Neil looked terrified. Max felt anger rush through him. He stomped up to Neil. "Tell me this is just a sick joke.", Max ordered. Neil gulped, too scared to speak. Max clenched his fists. "NEIL TELL ME WHERE HE IS!!!". Neil whimpered quietly. "I don't know!". Max raised his fist and punched Neil across the face, knocking him to the floor. He raised his fist again for another one, but Gwen grabbed it. "Max, violence isn't-". "WELL THATS REALLY HYPOCRITICAL, GWEN! WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BEATING THE HECK OUT OF ANYONE WHO BOTHERS YOU!?", he yelled. Gwen looked hurt, but shook it off. "Max, I understand this is hard for you but punching Neil isn't gonna bring Aquatapus back.", she said. Max glared at Neil. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. I HATE YOU! I HOPE YOU BURN IN-".  David picked Max up by the waist. "Max, that's enough.". Max felt like crying, but he'd never cry in front of them.
Max looked at the ground and ran out of the room. Neil felt guilt weigh on him. He looked at Nikki, barely expected her not to be just as furious. She was staring at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. She sniffed and ran out after Max. Everyone glared at Neil and went to go after them and search for Aqua, leaving Neil alone with his guilt and regret.

CC Aquatapus AU: A Makki Story(originally from tumblr)(COMPLETE)(OLD)Where stories live. Discover now