Chapter Four

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Max was sitting in a corner, his head buried in his knees. He was silently crying. He should be out there, searching for Aqua like everyone else. But instead he was in his tent, bawling his eyes out. Someone tapped his shoulder. He looked up. It was Nikki, holding his bear, Mr.Honey Nuts. Max grabbed it and hugged it tight, so it covered his face. Nikki sat down on his bed. "We haven't found him yet.", she said. Max was embarrassed, Nikki had never seen him cry. Max sighed. "I freakin hate Neil.". Nikki looked down. "Me too, but we haven't been able to find him or Space Kid since we came back.". Max grunted. "Good, I hope he's dying a painful death.". Nikki sighed. "Don't talk like that, he's your best friend.". Max stared at her. She was acting way too mature then she usually does. "You're my best friend.". Nikki blushed and laughed. "We'll find him, I know we will.".
Neil shoved some vines out of his way and walked on. Space Kid followed. "Umm, Neil, do you know where were going?". Neil sighed, why did he agree to let Space Kid come along? He was on a mission, looking for Aquatapus. Neil felt so guilty, either he would find that platypus or die trying. "Yes.", Neil lied. Space Kid nodded. "Are you sure? Becuase we passed that tree an hour ago.". Neil looked behind him, SK was right. They had gone in a complete circle. Neil grunted. "We could always go my way!", Space Kid said cheerfully. Neil wanted to punch him so badly, but that's what got them into this mess, "Fine.", Neil said. Space Kid smiled. He ran ahead, and Neil followed behind.
After a few moments, Space Kid stopped. Neil stopped, panting. He didn't run often. He looked around. They were in a small clearing, with a tree stump in the middle. Neil was confused. "Why are we here?", he asked. Space Kid smiled. "This is where I go to fly to the moon, or pretend I am.". Neil glared at him. "And why would Aqua hide here?", he asked. Space Kid gave a look of confidence. "Becuase here is the best creek in the forest.". Neil looked where SK was pointing. A beautiful creek ran there, shimmering blue water flowed through it. Neil was mesmerized, which was special becuase nature rarely impressed Neil. He stared at it. "How did you know about this?", Neil asked. "Nikki showed me.", SK said. Neil continued to stare. He was a bit jealous Nikki chose SK to show the creek to instead of him, but he pushed the feeling away. He swore he would never feel jealous again.
Neil knelt down next to it and searched through he water. He felt something furry. He gasped and pulled it up. It was Aquatapus. He muacked. Neil sighed of relief and burst into tears. He held the platypus close. "IM SO GLAD YOURE OKAY!!!", he said. "Muack!". Neil looked at him, he had a piece of shrimp in his mouth. Space Kid smiled. "Let's head back to camp, before Max burns it to the ground out of anger.", he said. Neil nodded, still holding Aqua, and followed him out of the clearing. "Where did you get shrimp?", he asked. SK shrugged. "I always bring some, I just threw a piece in the creek and I knew Aqua would be there in seconds.".
Max punched a tree. It's bark scratched his knuckles and made them bleed. He didn't care if it hurt, he just wanted to feel better. Punching things wasn't helping. "WE FOUND HIM!!!". Max spun around and bolted towards the direction of the voice. It was Neil, holding Aqua in his arms. Max jumped up and tackled Neil to the ground. He ripped Aqua out of his hands and handed him to the first person he saw. Which happened to be Preston, who cradled him in his arms. Max wrapped his tiny hands around Neil's neck and squeezed, choking him. Neil gasped for air, but failed.
Someone grabbed Max by the arms a pulled him away from Neil, it was Gwen. Max glared at her, furious. "Max I do NOT want to do fill out paperwork for a dead camper today.", she said. Max roared. "BUT HE'S A FREAKIN-". "I don't care what he is, I'm not gonna let you murder him.". Max sighed and calmed down. Gwen set him on the ground. Preston handed Max Aqua. Max hugged him. He turned to Neil. "If you ever talk to me or Aqua again, I swear you'll regret it.". And with that, Max stomped away. Nikki ran after him.
"Max, can I hold him!?", she asked. Max handed Aqua over to her. Nikki rocked him back and forth. "Are we really not talking to Neil anymore.". Max shrugged. "I don't think I could bear it, that selfish jerk.". Nikki sighed. "Okay, but I'm sure we'll forgive him later...".

CC Aquatapus AU: A Makki Story(originally from tumblr)(COMPLETE)(OLD)Where stories live. Discover now