Chapter Seven

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You probably are waiting for me to tell you what happened at the ball, but there is no point. Nothing happened, Max and Nikki didn't get together, Aqua didn't do anything special, Max still hasn't forgiven Neil. Nothing happened. It was just a boring average party. Now, there was one thing that did happen. So I'll sum it up for you...
Max glared at Tabii. "You lied to us.", he said. Tabii had tears rolling down her cheeks. It was almost the end of the ball, and Tabii had accidently exposed that she was a double spy. Sasha and Erin thought she was working for them while Max and Neil thought she was on their side. Tabii clenched her fists. "I'm sorry! I want to do the right thing, but I also want to stay loyal to my friends...". Sasha glared at her. "Don't talk to us, I can't bear looking at you.". Tabii sobbed and turned to Max. Max glared at her and walked away. Tabii stared at the floor, makeup rolling down her face.
Snake ran up to her. "Tabii are you okay?". Tabii looked at him, confused. "I thought you hated me.". Snake sighed. "You made a mistake, so what?". Tabii smiled. "You're the only person who thinks that.". They laughed. Tabii stomped her foot. "I want to join the Woodscouts.", she said. Snake looked shook. "Are you sure? We're pretty hardcore and I don't think girls are even allowed...". Tabii nodded. "I can handle it.", she said. Snake shrugged. "Okay then, I'll go tell Pikeman you're joining.".
And that's all that happened. Tabii managed to join an all boys military camp, which made Sasha REALLY mad. But yeah, that's all that went down. So let's return to the story, shall we?
Max sighed. David was making him, Nikki and Neil wait for more campers again. Max hated it, new campers just means more annoying people. Nikki looked excited though. Neil was still uncomfortable, since Max was still mad with him. David smiled. "You excited to make some new friends?", he asked Max with a grin. Max rolled his eyes. "David, I think we've established that your overexsacterated optimism isn't gonna work on me", he said. David sighed and moved on. The bus pulled up to them and stopped.
The door swung open. "Camper is here.", Quartermaster said. A boy walked off the bus, leaving Max in shock. It was his old enemy, from years ago. They had only known eachother for a day before he disappeared. The boy smiled at Max. "Hello, Max.". Max glared at him. "Toshi...", he said. Toshi laughed. David smiled. "So you two know eachother then?". Max sighed. "That's one way of putting it.". Toshi smiled and turned to David. He stuck his hand out. David looked pleasantly surprised and shook it. "You must be David, my father has told me about you.". David laughed. "Who is your dad?", he asked. Toshi let go of David's hand. "Father, not dad. He's and old friend of yours". Max glared at David. "Are you seriously not seeing the resemblance here!?", he asked. David thought. "Well you do remind me of someone, but surely not...". Toshi shrugged. "It is fine. It's a pleasure to meet you.". David smiled. "Well don't you have good manners!", he said, side looking at Max. Max rolled his eyes. He grabbed Nikki's wrist. "Come on, let's go.", he said. Nikki, who was holding Aqua, was confused but nodded.
"Max, what's your beef with Toshi?", she asked. Max grunted. "He's an old enemy of mine, I thought he was dead. But obviously I was wrong.". Nikki sighed and looked back at them. "Okay then...", she said. "Hello.", said a voice. Max and Nikki looked around, searching for the person who just talked. There was slight laughter and a girl emerged from the shadows of the trees. She smiled. Max had no idea who she was but something was off about her. "My name's Umbra.", she said and stuck out her hand for shaking. Max stared at it. "Your Toshi's sister, aren't you?", he asked. Umbra giggled. "Yes, was it obvious?". Max glared at her. Umbra sighed. "You're Max, I can tell becuase you already hate me just becuase my brother is you're old nemesis.", she said and giggled. "Its not nice to eavesdrop.", Nikki said. Umbra looked at her, just noticing she was there.
She smiled. "I wasn't eavesdropping. Well I mean I was but the information I just told you I've known for months!". Max sighed. Umbra hummed and looked at the sky. "Well, I joined the Flower Scouts, I just came to visit my brother. Have a splendid day!", she said and skipped away. Max stared at her until she was out of sight. Nikki held Aqua tight. "Max what's going on?", she asked. Max sighed. "I think Daniels children are out to kill us."
Max peeked from behind a tree. Him and Nikki were spying on Toshi and Umbra. Umbra opened her arms and hugged her brother. David smiled. "Well, I'll let you two talk while I go get the tape ready.". David skipped off, leaving Toshi and Umbra alone. "He's gone.", Toshi whispered. Umbra let to of him. They both had very professional looks on their faces. Umbra pulled out a flip phone. "Its useless, this camp has horrible connection.", Toshi said. Umbra looked at him. "The Flower Scouts gave me a Wi-Fi Hotspot Badge.", she said proudly pointing to her sash. Toshi rolled his eyes. "You're lucky you're a girl, or else you'd be here with me.". Umbra giggled and put her phone on speaker. She held it between them.
"Did you make it to camp?", said the voice on the phone. "Yes.", Toshi said. "Good, just get your mission done and come back. We're already planning your sacrifices.", said the voice. Umbra and Toshi looked at eachother, scared. "Umm, alright father...", said Toshi. "Goodbye.", said the voice. Umbra stuffed her phone back into her pocket and sighed. "I don't want to be sacrificed, if they don't why should we?". Toshi looked scared, but shook his head. "We don't want to disappoint the gods, in a couple days we'll be up there with them. Let's just get this over with.". Umbra nodded. "I should head back to the Flower Scouts now, or they'll worry.". Toshi nodded. "See you.". She smiled, waved goodbye, and disappeared into the shadows.
Toshi sighed and walked off. Max and Nikki looked at eachother. "God's? Who are they cultists?", Nikki asked. Max sighed. "Of course they're cultists. They came her to kill the whole camp just to go home and kill themselves.". Nikki frowned. "That's sad.". Max shook his head. "No, I know Toshi. He probably knew we were spying on him and faked the call to make us empathize them.". "I'm not sure, it sounded pretty ligit...". "Nikki, trust me you don't know what you're talking about.". Nikki looked hurt, but sighed. "What are we gonna do? No one will believe us.". "I haven't figured that part out yet.", Max said. Nikki smiled. "I think I know someone who will believe and help us!". Max stared at her. "No, we swore we wouldn't.". "Come on, Max!". Max sighed. "Fine, let's go get Neil...".

CC Aquatapus AU: A Makki Story(originally from tumblr)(COMPLETE)(OLD)Where stories live. Discover now