Part 1: Soulmate Songs and New Rooms

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I hate this. 

My soulmate is singing again. Why does he like girlish music though? 

Oh well, I will find out when I meet him. I smiled at the thought of him, he will be tall and beautiful and perfect for me, oh what love does to a girl's heart. I sighed. 

 My mom looked back at me and said, "Stop fretting, your new school is fabulous. Your father and I are very excited about this move. It will be a good opportunity for you to make more friends, and even find your soulmate if you are lucky." 

 I smiled at the thought of him. I hope we go to the same school together and we will be the cutest couple in school.

We pulled up to our new house. It was a shabby looking apartment with one window on the third floor. I got out of the car when we pulled up and started to help my mom and dad with the suitcases. I grabbed mine it was pink with cheetah print. 

I started up the stairs to our apartment and waited as my dad got the door. 

He said, "Don't be too disappointed alright, this is a big step and the house isn't very nice, but keep an open mind."

I ran inside as soon as he opened the door. 

Um.... Wow... This house was an absolute piece of shit. 

I don't mean to be rude to the builder but what the fuck. How do you build something this shitty?

I must've looked disgusted because my mom walked up to me and said, "Let's go see your room yeah?" 

 That made me smile.

My room was in the attic. It had bright blue walls and was totally me. I can put everything in here. My desk in front of the window, my bed to the left and my bookshelf to the right and all my art stuff can be against the walls. It will look so cool! 

I got all my stuff into my room and it looked great. This move was a big step in finding my soulmate. I know because, at midnight, we were sing-talking to each other one night. He told me that he lived in California, I told my parents and they gladly moved us to California so that I would have a better chance of meeting him.

My first day at a new school is tomorrow so we will see how that turns out. I just hope that I meet him there. It might be sad if I don't. Oh well, here we go let's figure out who he is and what school he goes to.

I opened up my song notebook and start writing down some lyrics,

Honey, I know it's you

Darlin' I wish I knew

Won't you go on and tell me

What school you're attending

That's what makes my world go round,

The thought that I'm finally in your town...

I finished writing then I sang it out with a nice soft melody.

He instantly responded,

Honey, I'm doin' fine

I'm glad you're in my hometown tonight

But I'm sad you're not alright

Cuz I go to Central High

But sadly that makes me want to die

Hopefully, I'll see you there, my sweet angel,

Tomorrow with your beautiful long hair

His voice is angelic. I hope he looks as nice as his voice sounds. I sighed. I can't wait to meet him, because I'm going to Central too. I need to tell him.

My love my love

I'm glad to hear

That where we are going is near

For I will see you in that spot

When the sun in the sky is hot

Hopefully, we'll meet right here

When our time comes near

He didn't respond but that's okay. I'm just glad that we will finally meet. 

Well, I'm gonna go to bed now, because I want to be at my best when I meet him. I lay out tomorrow's outfit, a semi-nice dress, and cute pink heels. 

Goodnight soulmate-less world, hello soulmate-filled one. 

I laid down on my bed. 


Quick A/N you can skip if u wanna.  I just wanna say that all of you who are here for the lesbian relationship, it starts next chapter and I will try to up it asap.  Love you guys!

Keep on sparkling,

~Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle

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