Part 20: Bowling Disaster

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Tuesday, came and went nothing really noteworthy happened. 

Today, after school, we are going to hang out with Kennedy's friends again. I'm a little bit nervous, but I know them and River said they found their soulmates, so this should be an interesting meeting. 

Scarlett came with us this time. Apparently she also knew Kennedy's friends. 

"I'm so excited to meet River's soulmates," Kennedy smiled, 'It will be nice to have some new members in the group."

We quickly arrived at the place we agreed to meet. It was a small diner and bowling alley. 

We ordered some fries and headed to the table with the rest of our group. 

"Hey, River," Kennedy said as we got closer to the table. River was smiling and they seemed really happy about having meet their soulmates.

"Hey guys!" River replied cheerfully, "It's been a while how have you guys been?"

"How have we been? River you found your soulmates and you're asking us how we are?" Kennedy teased her friend. 

"Come meet them," River smiled. They lead us the rest of the way over to the table.

"These are my soulmates guys, this is Jayden and Zoe," River gestured to their two soulmates they all seemed really happy together. 

Jayden was wearing bright pastel colors and they had chestnut brown hair with some red highlights. Jayden had very fair skin that contrasted with their dark brown eyes. 

Zoe was a very beautiful girl. She had long blonde hair with pink tips, and very deep blue eyes. Zoe had very tan skin, she seemed to enjoy being outdoors. 

"Hey, I'm Jayden I use all pronouns," He smiled brightly after his short sentence.

"I'm Zoe, my pronouns are she/her," Zoe smiled brightly. 

"I'm Kennedy, she/her," Kennedy returned Zoe's smile.

"I'm Ella, she/her," I smiled at the group.

"Scarlett, she/her," Scarlett ploped down at the nearest chair kicked her feet up on the table and started eating a bag of gummy worms. I honestly don't know where she gets all these snacks from. 

"Are you three all soulmates too?" Jayden asked Kennedy.

Scarlett started laughing at the idea of being soulmates with her adoptive sister.

"No, just Ella and I," I turned red when she said that.

"Scarlett, have you found your soulmate yet?" Zoe asked Scarlett. Scarlett's laughing fit which had died down from Jayden's question picked itself right back up when Zoe asked her question. 

"Scarlett, that's a little rude," Kennedy answered for her, "Scarlett is aro ace, and my sister," Kenndey smiled as she ruffled Scarlett's dark hair. 

"Ah, that makes sense," Jayden answered. 

As the night progressed we found out how the three meet one another. Aparently River got sick of them screaming broadway songs while they where doing a test and after they finished the test they went out to the mall and got themselves some pizza. Then while eating the pizza, they heard some singing and knew their soulmates were close. 

River abandoned their pizza and ran as fast as they could towards the source of the singing. Unfortunately before they could make it to their soulmates, Officer Steve had stopped them. 

"Where do you think you are going in such a hurry?" Officer Steve asked. 

"O-officer Steve, look I don't really have time for this, there are some people I'm trying to find, can you just let me go this once?" River was desperate. They couldn't wait to meet their soulmates, and they were right there. 

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