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Before beginning the chapter, I would like to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I am thankful for each and every one of you guys for the amount of support you have given me throughout all my stories. Thank you.

Without further-a-do... Chapter BEGIN!


"тнє ∂єєρєя тнє ∂αякиєѕѕ, тнє мσяє ∂αzzℓιиg тнє ℓιgнт ѕнιиєѕ"

- Unknown

»»————-  ————-««

(Back in the real-world Author's POV still)

Ash's eyes widened when his mind returned to the real world. Realizing that he was still in the air and falling backwards he did a backflip so that he's land on his feet then he landed behind where his friends were.

His friends turned around and ran to him to see if he was alright. Ash was crouched down and holding where he had been struck the hardest. He looked around to find Charizard and Greninja, seeing them lying on the ground. He groaned in pain as he looked back to the merged legendary Pokémon.

Then he saw his friends running towards him, with Serena in the front. She crouched down so that they were eye level.

"Are you alright Ash?" Asked the Kalos queen.

Ash smiled at her.

"I'm fine Serena." Said Ash.

He then got to his feet and began to walk towards the fused legendary Pokémon, but was stopped by his friends.

"You can't be serious! You're still going to fight them!?" Asked Misty incredulously.

Ash just nodded his head.

"But how?" Asked May.

"She's right, you're out of way to fight, your pokemon are down and you aren't exactly in tip top condition yourself." Pointed out Brock.

Ash shook his head.

"That's where you're wrong Brock, I still have one way left." Said Ash.

"What do you mean?" Asked Dawn.

"He means me." Said Shadow as a transparent projection of him appeared causing Ash's friends to jump back.

"Who is... wait that voice... Dark Ash!?" Screeched Iris.

"It's Shadow now girl." Snapped Shadow.

Anabel turned to Ash.

"What did you do? I thought he hated and wanted to kill you!" Asked the Frontier Brain. "And why does he look different, for that matter why can we see him?" Asked Angie in confusion.

Ash looked at Anabel to answer her questions first.

"I convinced him to help me, wasn't that hard considering we share a body now, as for hating me, it's more like he hated Giovanni, but Giovanni manipulated that hate and pushed it towards me." Explained Ash, then he turned to Angie to answer her questions next.

"As for why he looks different, when I convinced him to help me his soul, I guess you could say, changed form, becoming what you see now, as for why we can see him... honestly, I haven't the slightest idea, Shadow could you please tell us why we can see you?" Said Ash turning to the boy who he shared a body with.

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