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"ѕσмєтιмєѕ уσυ вєттєя яυи вєfσяє уσυ ωαℓк"

-Iron Man
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Ash woke up with Iris's arms still wrapped around him he smiled as he snuggled closer to her, then he looked around the room, it wasn't super late into the day but there was sunlight coming in through the door. Then he turned his attention to the foot of the bed an immediately regretted it. He saw Cilan and Trip staring at him and Iris with their faces beet red.

"Uh-uh, sorry Ash we-we'll just go now." Stuttered Cilan as he and Trip turned away and began walking towards the door.

Ash sighed and let his head fall backwards onto his pillow.

"This'll be a fun one to explain." Groaned Ash unhappily.

"Huh?" Murmured Iris as she woke up.

She looked at Ash in confusion.

Ash sighed again.

"Trip and Cilan saw us." Explained Ash.

Iris raised an eyebrow.

"So?" She asked.

Ash sighed one more time.

"They got the wrong idea." Said Ash.

A bright blush then appeared on Iris's cheeks. Right now, her face was as red as a tomato.

"Y-you mean, th-they thought w-we...? Started Iris, but was unable to finish her sentence.

Ash nodded his head. Somehow Iris's face managed to become even redder before she buried her face in a pillow. Ash just stared at her sympathetically while she laid there. They stayed there for a moment before speaking up.

"It would... be nice to do that one day though." Said the dragon master sheepishly.

Ash blushed bright red at her words.

The boy was so thrown off by this that he even fell out of the bed.

A/N: Just a reminder, both of them were dressed in their normal night attire both when they went to sleep and when they woke up so don't get any ideas.

"Huh!?" Asked Ash.

At this Iris giggled little.

"When we're older silly." Explained Iris.

Ash breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's hurry and get dressed before our quote-friends-unquote start spreading rumors." Said Iris and with a new pep in her step, she rushed off to the bathroom to get dressed while Ash got his other stuff ready.

Once they were both ready for the day. Then they left their room to find their friends. Unfortunately, by the time Ash and Iris found them, Trip and Cilan had already done their damage. Ash put a hand on Iris's head and pushed it down in order to avoid the flying mystery mallet that's been hurled at their heads. Then Misty ran up and grabbed Ash by the collar before shaking him like a maraca.

"What is wrong with you!?" Demanded Misty.

"Sleeping together without telling anyone?" Asked May.

"And while Trip and Cilan were in the same room?" Asked Dawn.

"Ok, A: Nothing is wrong with me Misty now let go of me, B: Why, why, why, why, would I tell anyone that I was going to "sleep" with someone unless you meant in terms of one of you girls in which case I get it, but still! C: We didn't "sleep" together, Iris just crawled into my bed after she thought I had fallen asleep" –

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