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That night, Lillith's dreams were plagued with nightmares. She dreamt of an unknown man, holding out a bloody hand to her, offering her an invitation to join him. She watched his mouth open, and the words 'join me' escaped from his lips and echoed around them. The words were like knives, slicing her as the vibrations in the air passed through her. 'Lillith' flew through the air from the man's mouth, ripping her to shreds.
The dream transformed to her kneeling on her hands and knees, she forced herself to look up, seeing the same man in front of her. He was naked, with bleeding wounds down his arms, but he was alive. A demonic shadow was poised behind him as he opened his eyes, staring at Lillith. She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. She watched him, frozen to the spot, as his mouth began to form latin tongues that held no meaning to her. She felt a pain erupture her body and she was forced back down into a bow.
Once again, the dream faded away into another dream, but this time she was a small child. A man, who she recognized from family photos as her father, held her in his arms with a cheerful smile. "My Lily," His voice was calming and familiar, and it was strange because he used the same nickname Pandora occasionally called Lillith. He gave her a kiss on the head and Lillith felt herself giggle without her control. He began to tickle her and soon her giggles turned to heavy breathing in between laughter. She kept trying to push him away, telling him to stop as she laughed. Lillith watched as something changed in her father, he froze and dropped her from his arms - suddenly spasming.
"Daddy?" The young Lillith called, afraid and confused as her father's body fell to the ground, still twitching. She felt tears rush to her eyes as she screamed out for her father, watching as his body went still.

Lillith woke up, screaming. She couldn't remember her dreams, but she felt the terror that had resided in them. She was shaking and crying, her screams coming to an end as she realized she was just in her new bedroom. She heard footsteps down the hall before her door slammed open from her twin sister, her aunt and mother following behind her.
"What happened?" Her mother asked, worried.
"Did you see a ghost?" Pandora questioned.
"Nightmare," Lillith made out through her sobs. She felt her lungs aching for air as she took heavy breaths. Her sister moved herself next to her, her presence immediately comforting Lillith.
"This place has so much bad juju." Pandora commented before looking up at her aunt and mother. "We need to exorcise it or something."
"That only happens in the movies, Dora." Theresa snickered. She rolled her eyes and turned, leaving her nieces and sister behind. Lillith heard her footsteps down the stairs and the front door opening and closing. It was then that she realized her aunt was dressed up; she was on her way out anyways.
"Well, I'm heading back to sleep. Goodnight girls." Lillith and Pandora's mother concluded, leaving the room too. She closed the door behind her.
"Do you want me to sleep in here?" Pandora asked her sister, who nodded. She moved over on the bed and Pandora got under the blankets, lying next to Lillith. "We just have a few more months to go until we turn eighteen, Lily, then we can run away together and leave this place."
Lillith felt a strange emotion pass through her as her sister called her 'Lily.' She didn't understand why, since her sister had used that nickname before, but something changed. She felt different hearing it now, and she wondered if it had to do with one of her nightmares. She was stuck thinking about it as she fell back to sleep, feeling safe with her sister besides her.


A week later, Lillith's nightmares showed no mercy, and it became a custom to the West household to wake up to hear her screams. She never remembered her nightmares, but she was still afraid of them. Pandora would always crawl into her bed, sleeping the rest of the night with her, providing her a sense of protection. By the end of the week, Pandora decided to just move into her sister's room. They had shared bedrooms before, and beds, so it wasn't unusual - other than the fact the house they were living in had many more bedrooms. But, Lillith's comfort was more important to Pandora than those other rooms.
Their mother had gotten them started on their new homeschooling, which was done online by some program she had found with good reviews. It was their senior year, and they really didn't have many classes to do, other than the required English, Economics, Government, and Pandora had to do Algebra because she failed it the year prior. Their work went by fast, and they would have the full day to themselves as their mother went out to find work and their aunt went to her meetings. They could do whatever they want - as long as they didn't leave the house without their mother's permission.
Lillith sat in the backyard, staring into the neighbor's yard. Her sister was upstairs in her room - her actual room, not the room they shared at night - listening to music and reading fashion magazines. Lillith wasn't trying to be a creep or anything as she watched her neighbor, an older lady who had greeted them on their second day as Constance, plant a rose bush next to countless others. It was a strange sight to Lillith, but she didn't judge. Everyone had their own hobbies, some were more unique than others.
Constance stood up, dusting the dirt off of her dress before turning towards Lillith - almost as if she felt her eyes on her. She probably did, as she glared down at the teenage girl. Lillith gulped as Constance smiled and walked back into her house. There was something about Constance that weirded her out, but she didn't know what it was.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now