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    Constance paid Lillith thirty dollars that night, apologizing for her grandson; but, she didn't give Lillith any explanation. Lillith had no idea what happened or how she had no wound on her shoulder blade, despite the knife and all that blood. Hell, her shoulder blade ached, like there was a wound, but there wasn't. She felt like she was going insane, like maybe she just imagined the knife and everything, but she knew she didn't imagine it. Constance saw it, the boy admitted to causing it, and she still had blood on her shirt.
    She had to sneak up to her room after arriving home, calling out her arrival after she changed in her room. Her sister knocked on her door, walking in; thankfully after Lillith hid the bloody shirt.
    "So how was babysitting the old bat's grandson?" Pandora asked. "Also, mom said she'd be home tomorrow or something."
    "It was whatever," Lillith lied, not sure if she wanted to tell her sister.
    "You're lying. What happened? You look quite shaken up." Pandora commented. She knew her sister so well. "Did something happen?"
    "I don't know how to explain it, Pandora." Lillith admitted.
    "Lilly," Her sister started. "Try."
    "The little boy, he's got powers or something. He stabbed me with a fucking knife without moving from the table or using his hands."
    "Where's the wound?" Pandora looked at her sister, trying to find a wound, but Lillith shook her head.
    "That's the thing, there is no wound, and he said he didn't heal me. I don't know how to explain that, Pandora. There was so much blood and my shoulder blade hurts, but there's no stab wound." She winced as she put her hand to where she was stabbed. Her sister looked at her shoulder blade, her fingers rolling over her skin, causing Lillith to wince more.
    "There's a scar here," Pandora announced, pulling out her phone. She took a picture and showed Lillith. "It wasn't there before, I know that for sure. I've seen your back many times before."
    "See," Lillith bit her cheek, staring at the picture of her new scar. It wasn't shaped like a stab wound, instead it was three little slashes, almost like three knives had cut her; but she knew it had only been one. "This is too strange. I- I can't."
    "Lie down, rest." Pandora told her sister, noticing her start wobbling like she was going to collapse. Lillith sat on her bed, letting herself fall back to lie down. She felt exhausted and like she was in pain. She was so confused.
    But, in the end, she fell asleep.

    While her sister slept, Pandora found herself googling what the three scars meant. She kept finding results about the devil and a mark from him, freaking her out. She looked at her sleeping sister and shivered. What if her and her sister were some sort of spawn of the devil? Maybe that's what her mother and aunt were talking about. Maybe an ancestor made a deal with the devil and every girl following the line down was cursed. Pandora shook her head, a migraine making its appearance. She watched too many horror movies and shows. It was just some weird conspiracy theory.
    Pandora left her sleeping sister, heading downstairs to find some tylenol and a glass of water to help relieve her pounding headache that was increasing every second. She found the tylenol and grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, drinking it with the pill. She sighed, rubbing her temples.
    "Come on, just work already," She begged. In that moment, she heard a scream from upstairs - from her sister's room. A nightmare. She ran up the stairs, rushing to her sister's room to see her sister floating above her bed, her eyes wide open but it was just white. "Lillith?"
    "Lillith is gone," Her sister spoke, but it wasn't her. "Everything is destined to be destroyed."
    "Who are you?" Pandora shouted, but before she got an answer, Lillith's eyes rolled back and she collapsed onto the bed, twitching. Pandora rushed to her body, seeing blood running out of Lillith's eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. "Lillith, what's happening? Lillith!"
    Pandora was scared, unsure what to do. She grabbed her phone, dialing 9-1-1. "Help, my sister is twitching and bleeding and I don't know what's happening." She spoke fast, fear in her voice. She didn't want to lose her sister, her sister was everything to her. The operator announced there would be an ambulance on its way and Pandora began to cry.
    Lillith's body went still as the paramedics arrived, they rushed her into the ambulance and Pandora got in with her. They strapped her sister up to the machines, grabbed the defibrillator and began to use it on Lillith. Pandora was sobbing as their attempts failed and failed. Her sister was gone. She died.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now