ψ sex ψ

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When a new couple moved into the house, Michael and Lillith right away were ready for chaos. Michael dressed in the latex suit he had found, not caring that it was Tate's, and Lillith followed him to the living room where the couple was coddling each other.
"We did it, baby." One of the girls cooed, grabbing her wife and kissing her. They smiled at each other as they pulled away, but their happiness wasn't everlasting, as Michael and Lillith took action. Michael sliced one of the woman's throat, while Lillith took to slicing the other's. Lillith felt the warmth of the scarlet red blood that spilt out of the woman's throat on her hands and she smiled, looking over at Michael, who took off the mask.
"No, no, no, no! They were good people! They deserved a chance!" Ben shouted at the two morbid teenagers. "They don't belong here, and because of what you both did, they'll be here forever."
Ben flew back, hitting the wall as the spirits of the couple rose up, complaining that they felt weird and different.
"You both didn't have to kill them," Ben waivered. "I know you, Michael, this isn't you...and you, Lillith, what has gotten into you? This isn't you."
Michael craned his neck, looking at Ben before raising his hands and suddenly the two women were on fire. Their souls were burned to ash, and they were gone. Lillith watched in amazement.
"I never could have helped you," Ben gasped. "It was foolish of me to try."
And with that, he left the two alone. Lillith looked at Michael with a grin and he gave her a devilish smile in return. He grabbed her hands, the latex mixing with her skin, and pulled her to him.
"That was amazing," She breathed out as they held each other. "I want to do it again."
"And we will," He promised.
From the shadows, Pandora watched, horrified at what became of her sister. She lost her, she was gone. It was just evil, Michael had corrupted her. She hated him and she hated that she didn't rescue her sister in time.

"You told me he would leave!" Pandora yelled at Ben. "He's evil and now he's corrupted her! It's all your fault, Ben, you let him come here and let them be friends!"
"Pandora, did you ever just think that maybe Lillith wasn't as good as she appeared?" Ben asked the angry girl.
"What the fuck are you trying to say?" Pandora spat. "Are you trying to call my sister evil? She wasn't evil, she was the nicest person ever. Yeah, she got on my nerves occasionally, but she was my sister and I love her so much. We were supposed to be together forever and we were, I made sure we were when I killed myself. Then he came and he manipulated her and corrupted her!"
"Your sister was the one who came to me asking to be his friend. She befriended him on her own, so it's not my fault." Ben snapped at her, walking away. He huffed, irritated at the teenager's outburst. She was right though, he invited Michael to stay at the house, and he thought he could change him, but he was wrong. Michael couldn't change. Michael was destined to be evil, and maybe, just maybe, Lillith was destined to reign in evil herself. Afterall, her death was definitely not normal.

Michael stood outside, Lillith sitting on the cement blocks, watching him. He was staring up at the sky where hundreds of crows flew. The sky was tainted a red and the air was hot. Lillith smiled at him as he stared up, his hands in the air and his eyes closed. He was so beautiful to her, all of him; his mind, spirit, and body. It was all beautiful and enticing to her. She wanted to be with him forever, and despite knowing she was trapped in the murder house forever, she felt like they could be together forever.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Michael asked her, not even opening his eyes. Lillith smirked and stood up, walking over to him, which caused him to move to face her and open his eyes to stare at her.
"You're beautiful," She breathed into his ear as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close to her. "I like staring at beautiful things." He chuckled at her statement and wrapped his arms around her, staring into her eyes.
"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" He asked her, his voice low and soft. She shook her head and laughed. She began pulling away from him, but he tightened his grip on her, keeping her from moving. She could've moved if she truly wanted to, since she was a spirit, but she wanted to be in his arms.
"Michael," She whispered to him, running her fingers through his hair. "Stay with me forever." She was pleading with him, begging even, because she never wanted to lose him.
"I will, I will spend all of eternity with you." He promised. And so they had decided his fate. He would end his life that night, trapping his soul in the house; he would stay with her forever, never growing old, never leaving.
They planned it all out to every last detail. He wanted her to do it, despite her protests and refusal, he insisted she do it. She was supposed to stab him and make him feel the pain, because he wanted to feel it all. She hated the thought of hurting him, but she knew afterwards, he'd be hers forever. They would never be apart. She was so selfish, but she didn't care.

Lillith was straddling Michael, holding a knife in her hand, as he layed in the bed she had died in herself. She was staring down at him, admiring his beauty, as he stared up at her. She used her free hand to run her fingers through his hair and across his face, appreciating the feel of his skin on hers. She felt a tear escape her eye, knowing she was going to be hurting him, but he wiped it awake, putting his finger to his mouth and tasting the salty tear.
"I'm ready, my Lith," He murmured. She nodded and raised the knife above him, preparing to strike, but something changed in the air of the house. There was lifeforms entering the house, three of them. Lillith felt their presence and stopped everything, confusing Michael. "What is it, Lith?" Michael grabbed her wrist as she set down the knife on the bedside table besides them.
"Someone's here," She announced. "Three people, and they...they feel dark." She looked at him and crawled off of him, standing up. He got off of thee bed and followed her down the stairs and to the intruders.
"-for the great day of wrath is come." They heard as they descended the stairs. When they arrived, the three people who were cloaked in black bowed their heads.
"I am in the presence of my Lord,"
"Who are you?" Michael asked, pushing Lillith behind him, almost as if he could protect her. It made her mentally laugh to herself. Not only could they not see her, but she was dead, they couldn't hurt her. But him...they could hurt him if they wanted to.
"I am Anton LaVey, Black Pope of the Church of Satan, and these are my cardinals." The man introduced himself. Lillith raised an eyebrow. The Church of Satan..it clicked in her mind. It made sense to how Michael had his evilness, to the things he could do, and to what her sister tried to tell her. But, to Pandora's dismay, since she watched the events unfurling as they happened, it didn't bring Lillith to the light; it only made her darker. She was enchanted by the spawn of the devil. "I faked my death to prepare for this day."
"I have no idea what you are talking about," Michael's grip on Lillith tightened. "What's going on here?"
"We followed a dark star from the West. The signs are impossible to miss: the temperature in this house, a home built over the portal to Hell, and the crows are worshipping from above," One of the cardinals spoke.
"The omens are complete," The other cardinal spoke, smiling up at Michael. "You are the chosen one."
"The time has come to remove the scales from your eyes, to show you your true power." Anton LaVey spoke. Lillith watched a smile form on Michael's face and she realized then that their plans for the night were canceled. He wasn't going to stay with her forever...he was going to leave her. And that angered her. He didn't even notice when she made herself disappear, allowing him to move closer to the intruders. He didn't notice she wasn't standing behind him anymore. He was just focused on the intruders and what they had to offer for him. She was angry and hurt.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now