ψ undeviginti ψ

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"The night is finally beginning," Michael announced after he stopped his passionate makeout session with Lillith. She furrowed her eyebrows at him but nodded, allowing him to lift her up and set her on the desk. He began to type on his laptop as she sat on the desk beside him. A few moments later, the door opened and in walked Venable and Mead.
Lillith watched in silence as Venable and Mead approached the two. "Ladies, as you can see, we are very busy right now." Michael stated to the women, looking at them with piercing eyes.
"This won't take long," Venable responded before glaring at Lillith. "You did not attend the mandatory ball."
"No, I did attend. I just ditched out early to speak to...Mr. Langdon here about something important." Lillith looked over at Michael, smirking at him. Venable's eyes seemed to grow smaller as she glared more and more at Lillith.
"What is this now?" Michael bent his head to the side, still looking at the women.
" We're making the selections now, Mr.
Langdon." Venable spoke, pausing before continuing. "And I'm afraid you both didn't make the cut." Lillith furrowed her eyebrows then looked over at Michael, wondering what his plan was, but his laughter that echoed beautifully in her ears answered her questions.
"You think this is funny?" Venable snapped at him, but Michael just smirked.
"I think I'm impressed, Ms. Venable. I wasn't sure you had it in you." Michael moved his hand slightly towards where Lillith's was, brushing his fingers against hers, then he moved his hand up to motion to Venable and Mead. "You've passed the test. You're perfect for The Sanctuary."
"Ms. Mead." Venable simply said. Mead pulled out a gun, pointing it at Lillith. Lillith froze for a moment but relaxed as she remembered she couldn't die by a simple bullet.
"Oh, I wouldn't do that." Michael spoke, knowing she was going to ask Mead to kill him and Lillith. But he couldn't die, and his Lillith couldn't either. He would never let that happen.
"Ms. Mead." Venable repeated. Lillith watched as Mead moved the gun from Lillith to Venable then pulled the trigger, shooting Venable. Venable gasped and fell to the ground as Mead freaked out.
"I don't know why I did that. I was always loyal to her." Mead looked down, confused and terrified. Lillith raised an eyebrow as Michael stood up and walked over to Mead.
"It's all right." He comforted her. "You were obeying commands, like you're programmed to do. My commands. Did you enjoy executing the poison apples plan as much as I enjoyed coming up with it?"
"You wanted everyone dead?" Mead asked.
"Wait, everyone is dead?" Lillith ask, catching both Michael and Mead's attention. Michael smiles at her, which rid any sadness Lillith had for the deaths. She didn't care about anything other than him. He was everything to her. Her love, the one she was destined to be with.
"I've never been a fan of getting my hands dirty. Learned that from my Father." Michael continued to speak to Mead. "Always more fun to entice men and women to dirty deeds. Confirms what I've always believed."
"W-What do you believe?" Mead stuttered.
"That all people, if given the right pressures or stimulus, are evil motherfuckers." Michael smiled, his eyes twinkling. Lillith let out a slight laugh.
"I-I'm having trouble with this..." Mead paused. "I know I'm just a machine."
"Never say that." Michael sternly ordered, placing his hand on Mead's shoulder. "You're not just a machine. Not to me." He paused for a moment before continuing.
"When I tasked The Cooperative's R&D department to have you constructed, I gave them a prototype to model."
"A prototype?" Mead asked.
"Of someone from my childhood. Someone very dear to me." Michael noticed Lillith frowning a bit and looked to her. "My Lith, of course you are the most important thing to me on Earth and in Hell, but I still had you. I did not have Ms. Mead anymore."
"The beautiful boy." Mead muttered. Michael looked back to her.
"That was me." He conformed. "But I had to keep the most important part of you hidden from your mind."
"To protect you. And the plan. But now it's time to remember it all. I lost you, and I couldn't bear it." Michael looked at Lillith then Mead. "I can't imagine a new world without you both by my side. The only women who ever really understood me."
"Who ever really loved you." Mead said, looking up at him and then looking at Lillith.
"Yes, Michael, no one else will ever love you like we do." Lillith agreed. She didn't know who Mead truly was and how Mead helped Michael, but she knew she did somehow and that he loved her.
"It is time," Michael announced to them both, sending something. Lillith could sense it to, powerful entities were in the Outpost, but they weren't as powerful as Michael and her. She followed him, along with Mead, out of the room and through the hallway until they made it to the stairs.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now