ψ decem ψ

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    Days past since the blonde and the man visited, Lillith was beginning to wonder if Michael was even going to arrive. They should've already instructed him to bring her back...what if he changed his mind and decided to break his promise? Lillith was impatient and just wanted him to come already. She had done her part of the plan already, now he just had to do it...but he didn't know of her plan.

    "Lillith?" Pandora called for her sister's attention. Pandora noticed Lillith slipping into a mindless state every day since the visitors had come. She had heard that Lillith spoke to them, but she didn't know of what - she did know they came about Michael. She was worried for Lillith, because she knew how much Michael had meant to Lillith before she realized how evil he was. "Are you okay?"
    "I'm fine," Lillith lied to her twin. "What were you talking about?"
    "Lily, I know you're lying," Pandora frowned. "Were you thinking about him? Did that blonde bimbo and random ass guy tell you something about him?"
    "No," Lillith told her. "They asked me about him and I told them how evil he was. They're witches, Pandora...we might be witches too."
    "What do you mean?" Pandora asked her sister.
    "Remember when I overheard mother and Aunt Theresa whispering? They were talking about something, a secret. What if it was our powers?" Lillith suggested to her sister, who suddenly was amazed. "The girl and the guy, they need our help."
    "But, we're stuck here," Pandora reminded her. Lillith nodded, deciding not to tell her of their plans to have Michael bring them back.
    "I know...it sucks," Lillith frowned.
    "But, powers?" Pandora questioned and Lillith nodded. "Maybe that's how you healed..."
    "Pandora...tell me how I died." Lillith requested, causing Pandora to tense up. She wasn't sure why she never told Lillith, since she had known for awhile that Lillith didn't remember.
    "You...You went over to Constance's to babysit her grandson, and when you returned, you were so shaken up. You told me he stabbed you with a knife, but with his mind, and there was no wound, just scars. I had told you to rest, since you were so shaken up. You fell asleep and I got a major migraine, so I went downstairs to get a painkiller and that's when I heard you scream." Pandora paused, clenching her fists. She still felt the pain of losing her sister, even if they were together now. "I ran up to our room, thinking you had a nightmare...but, Lily...Lillith, you were...possessed or some shit like that. Your eyes were in the back of your head  and you were floating above your bed and I called out your name, but the response wasn't you. It was demonic. It told me you were gone, that everything was destined to be destroyed. And then you returned and dropped to your bed, shaking and bleeding everywhere. You died as the paramedics arrived."
    "What happened to me...?" Lillith looked down before looking at her sister. What entered her body? Was it the devil?
    "I don't know, Lily," Pandora hugged her. "But I'm glad you're with me now. I will never regret giving up my life to spend forever with you, just like we promised. I love you, my dear twin sister, and I always will."
    Lillith stayed quiet, not hugging her sister back. She could lie and deceit all she wanted, but she would never profess a love she did not feel. She didn't care about her sister, and she knew it was horrible, which made her proud of herself even more. She just wanted Michael, that was all. Pandora didn't truly care for her, she was just being deceitful herself. If she cared, she would never had tried to separate Lillith and Michael.

    Lillith was lying in her old bed, all alone, missing Michael, when she felt his presence return. Pandora had allowed Lillith to spend some time alone after she pulled away from the hug, sensing Lillith wanted to be alone. Lillith went to her old room, to the bed where she had spent many nights lying next to Michael as he slept.
    At first she thought it was her mind tricking her, but she heard the voices of the other spirits as they cowered away from him. She heard heavy footsteps ascend the stairway and she felt his presence closer and closer and the footsteps arrived to the door. There was a knock at the door and she realized it was real. She forced herself up and rushed to the door, opening it up and tackling him to the ground, causing him to let out a slight shout of surprise.
    "Michael, my Michael," She gushed, pressing her face into his hair and neck. She felt tears brink her eyes. "I miss you so much, Michael."
    "As I have for you, my dear Lith," He moved them both to sit up, so Lillith was sitting in his lap. "I've found a way to liberate you, and I hear you have been mendacious in your stories about our time together."
    "I tricked them all to believe I was over you," She declared, not caring that the spirits could hear her now. "I told the blonde bitch and the guy she was with that I could help them defeat you. They believed me, hahah!" She broke out in a fit of laughter until Michael silenced her.
    "But you will," He instructed her, causing her to raised her eyebrow.
    "What do you mean?" She asked him.
    "I will explain, soon, but for now, come with me." He commanded, pulling them both up. They walked down the stairs and Lillith could feel the eyes of the spirits around her as they made their way to the front door. They left the house, walking out the front door. Lillith was afraid; what if she couldn't be saved...but she reminded herself that she could trust Michael and he said he knew how to fix her.
    "Lily, no!" Pandora's voice rang out from the front door. Lillith's twin sister ran towards her, prepared to save her. But, Lillith didn't need saving. She felt her anger for her sister build up and she wished for her to be gone. Suddenly, Pandora's body lit up in flames and she let out a scream. "Lily!"
    A moment later, she was gone and Lillith looked at Michael.
    "Did you.." She trailed off as he shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. "Did I do that, then?"
    "Yes, my Lith," He confirmed. "You destroyed her soul."
    "H-How?" Lillith questioned, looking at her hands and body. "Is it because I'm a witch?"
    "You're more than a witch," Michael admired.
    "Then what am I?" He grabbed her hands and pulled her to him, allowing them to move off of the property. She stayed with him...she was alive now, not trapped to the house anymore.
    "You, my love, are my other half," His words were smooth, and the sound of them intoxicated Lillith just like the taste of whiskey inebriates a drunk. He pulled her face to his, allowing his lips to press against hers softly, but she wasn't having it. She pressed herself against him roughly, pulling him to her, but it just made him pull away with a chuckle. "So impatient, are you, Lith?"
    "I've missed you for too damn long, Michael," She whined, but he just pull her to him and whispered in her ear.
    "Hold on tight, my love." He kissed her cheek. "Come with me, I'll show you how we can burn this world."
    And with that, Michael used transmutation to bring them to somewhere else, somewhere more private. But, his plan was not to satisfy Lillith's desires and deflower her, but to tell her his plan and how everything will fall into place.

    "What do you mean, Michael? You're going to erase my memories of you?" Lillith bellowed. She moved away from Michael, angry and in disbelief.
    "You will receive them back one day," He assured her, but she shook her head. He grabbed her wrist, pulling her to him. "They need to believe you will help them..."
    "But, Michael, why do you have to remove my memories of you? They already think I'm going to escape from you and return to them," She didn't understand and he could sense that, so he took a breath and put his hand on her face.
    "You must believe that you're helping them," He emphasized. "You'll follow their plans, and they will use you to try and get to me, but then I will return your memories and you will switch on them when they least expect it."
    "Are you sure it'll work?" Lillith asked him, still not wanting to lose her memories of him. She spent so long without him already, why couldn't they just kill everyone and be together? He growled at her, pushing her against the wall, his hand moving to her throat, but it wasn't too tight, just enough to add emphasism.
    "Do you doubt me?" He inquired before licking his lips as she shook her head no. She stared at his lips, wanting to press her lips against his. She felt a flame encased in her core, aching to be ignited. "Good, do you understand what you must do?"
    "Yes, Michael," She breathed out, a slight whimper in her voice. He released her throat and moved his lips to her neck, kissing it tenderly. She let out a growl, causing him to chuckled. "You're such a tease."
    "One day, my dear Lith," He mumbled against her neck, tickling her. "One day you will get to feel how it feels to be worshipped by me, to have every part of your sensitive body touched and pleased."
    "Michael," She let out a soft moan as he nibbled her neck, and when he pulled away, she groaned in distraught. "You're so cruel to me."
    "You haven't seen cruel, Lillith," He chuckled. "And you shall not ever see cruel from me, and if I can help it, not ever by anything or anyone."
    "Michael," She began, planning on confessing her intense feelings and emotions for him, but he silenced her with a kiss. She kissed back, tasting copper before beginning to feel a strange sensation run through her body. She felt herself slip away into a darkness and as her body went limp, he caught her.
    "In time, my love, we will be together again,"

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now