ψ quattuor ψ

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Delilah and Theresa moved out soon after losing Lillith and Pandora. The house was evil to them, and they didn't want to feel their spirits. They put it on the market and moved away to a different part of Los Angeles, mourning their loss. Pandora and Lillith were happy for them; they weren't going to have the risk of being trapped too.
At first, Lillith was angry at her sister for her suicide, but then she realized she was keeping their promise. They would always be together, they would never be apart. Yes, they were trapped in this house, but they were trapped together.
Instantly, Lillith and Pandora befriended the other spirits. They were properly introduced to Vivian, Ben, and Violet. They also met Tate, but Violet warned them to stay away from him. They listened to her, unsure if they should risk it by associating themselves with him. From Violet's tone, it seemed as though he did something extremely horrible.
Vivian and Ben were happy that Violet had someone else to talk to, someone her own age - though technically she wasn't seventeen anymore. They approved of the twins, seeing the love they had for each other and knowing they were pure souls...well, as pure as they could be in this house. They sensed darkness in them, but they put it off as the house's hold on them. Violet also had that darkness, so did they, so they could not judge Lillith and Pandora on that part of them. They didn't kill anyone, other than Pandora killing herself. And as for Lillith's death, they weren't sure what that had been, but again; the house was evil incarnated.

"What is it like now?" Violet asked the twins, aching to know what was happening in the world now.
"Not much, a bunch of stupid celebrity scandals and breakups, really." Pandora answered the girl with a shrug. "A bunch of Youtubers broke up,"
"I've seen things about that," Violet agreed and the twins gave her a confused look. "I can still use my laptop, I sometimes use it to check up on things. I kind of was meaning things off of the internet, you know? Like, is there any new weird food combinations and what do they taste like?"
"Oh," Pandora bit her cheek, looking at her sister.
"I don't recall anything, to be honest." Lillith admitted. "We didn't really follow trends or try out the weird stuff going around."
"Yeah, plus, we moved around a lot and didn't have any friends to pressure us into trying things." Pandora continued. "I do know, there was some weird ass challenge going around about eating tide pods and also snorting condoms. It was strange and idiotic."
"What the hell, that is so weird." Violet commented and the twins nodded. Violet grinned. "Is there anything else?"
They all three sat around, discussing anything the twins could think of that would entertain Violet and satisfy her curiosity of the outside world. Pandora talked mostly as Lillith listened, noticing out of the corner of her eye, the boy Violet had warned them about was staring at them from the corner of the hall. She moved her head to look completely, looking out the opening of the door. He gave her a painful look and she cocked her head to the side. She was curious about him, curious why Violet didn't want anything to deal with him. Violet ignored him so well...almost like she couldn't see him...could they do that? Make a spirit invisible to themselves.
Lillith was so curious about the house and all of its horrors. She sometimes found herself wanting to branch off from Violet and Pandora and go around, questioning the other spirits. She wanted to know their backstories and how everyone died in the house. All she knew was Vivian died from childbirth, Ben had been murdered by spirits who made it look like he killed himself, and Violet had killed herself before her parent's death - but the police thought she ran away. She didn't really socialize with the other spirits, didn't even know their names.
"Lillith?" Pandora caught her sister's attention. Lillith looked away from staring at the now-empty hallway and at her sister and Violet. "Where'd you go?"
"Sorry," She sheepishly mumbled. "I got distracted."
"Okay, well Violet and I were talking about..." Lillith tried her best to pay attention to her sister, but she struggled. Something was pulling her at her core, making her want to investigate the evil. She also felt a desire, one that confused her...she desired chaos, like she wanted to cause more evil in the house. It scared her, because she didn't know why she felt this way. She shouldn't be wanting to cause evil, but she did.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now